The words you have heard me speak among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Brethren, greetings in the name of our dear lords Jesus Christ and Savior.
Uganda is coming to the month (May) whereby our president is going to be inaugurated and to take up his other five years term in leading this nation. Pray for our nation that peace may prevail. Where peace is, the gospel of our lord will be preached, and lives saved. This month has not been easy.
We have had three students sick and hospitalized, two of them have been having their children sick and on life supporting machines, other two lost family members. But all in all we thank God because two of the men were able to have babies last week. It was great news to them and these school too.
The school was able to secure Identity cards for the students. I remember mentioning this on the last month's report. It has been a challenge to them whenever they could go outside to knock doors but we that God this has been worked on.
Normal classes closed last week, we are now taking short courses. This week and the coming one, we will have covered them. We are breaking off on 7th May and report back to school early June for the third quarter. We thank God for the efforts put in by the instructors which efforts are built on a strong foundation of men and women at bear valley that God has chosen to serve him wholeheartedly.
May the almighty God continue to bless you as you support this noble cause of training preachers worldwide, considering Uganda to be part of this program. We pray that God may open for you ways of letting the situation troubling the world to calm down and you come over to see us here at bear valley bible institute Uganda.
Above all we continue asking God for strength on the side of students and courage and stability in their families as they take this two year journey.
Until all have heard