Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Wotutu. It is a small village. All the saints in Cameroon, and we do hope you are doing pretty well. You are in our daily prayers and we are convinced you are praying for us as well. Life is good for us, even though in this life we are faced with a lot of difficulties. We are holding to the plough to keep moving ahead.
Last week, in the Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Wotutu, we were up to the task. We are making progress amidst the difficulty. The challenges are enormous, from sickness from our students and those in our immediate congregation to those outside of Wotutu.
Students are gaining a lot from the course on Hermeneutics and learning from the science of Biblical interpretation as many of them, before coming to school, misinterpreted some scriptures to others. Many thanks for the course, as it will go a long way to help them have the skills to interpret the holy writ. Please pray for them as they go through these great studies.
We are bent on house-to-house evangelism on weekends in Wotutu and other places. Some listen to us during our early morning program that we call “BACK TO THE BIBLE.” Many will call us and we will book and start a Bible study. Some will come during the day on our campus to ask more questions like the lady I have been talking to. She came right to our campus and we sat under a tree as I explained and quoted scriptures about her worries.
It was a busy weekend in Wotutu as the ALUMNI of our Bible college came to Wotutu for a workshop. This workshop comes up annually and is aimed at bringing our graduates back to their educational womb from which they were all born. I was teaching them how they can make use of their environment. If they are in an agrarian area let them not hesitate to dive into agriculture which will help to sustain them and make them self-sustaining. But the worry will always be, how will they get started? It is disturbing to me because we see preachers zealous and committed, but it is not easy for them to survive in daily life with their families.
We have mass evangelism in Bekoko village this weekend. Pray for us as we take the gospel to that community. I will be speaking here on Friday on open-air on the topic of “Obedience and Disobedience in Relationship with God.” Please pray for me as I prepare to help as many as will be under my voice on Friday. Pray that they will choose obedience to God words to be saved.
Thanks very much for your time, your prayers, and your support. God is watching. He will reward you in due season if you faint not. Do your best to share our report with others.
Elangwe and family
By the grace of God director BVBIC-Wotutu