Gueckedou BVBI Activity Operations Report for August 2021
Precious greetings to you all, our supporters and those of you who always wish us well at the Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute in Gueckedou. As part of our responsibility, we have come again to report the events and or activities that transpired during the last month, August 2021 which were comparatively few, but especially successful in terms of soul winning.
Classroom: In addition to the permanent staff courses such as Hermeneutics II by Antione Fassa Tolno, short course instructors, Mr. Nestor Tonguino and Emmanuel Kamano also completed their lessons on “Marriage and Family Life and the Major Prophets of Isiah and Jeremiah respectively. These courses were started in the previous month, but assignments and other requirements could not be completed until August. The final results of all these were good as all 14 students came up successfully.
Evangelism: Except that hearts are hardened by the enemy who most often than not “taketh away the word …lest they should believe and be saved”, evangelism – gospel proclamation is our business. In many of the areas where our students are stationed for weekend gospel work, preaching by different methods is being done and with some fruitful results. The month of August registered a total of 8 baptisms 3 of which were in the village of Fassaba.
Repair of Old Vehicle: While it is true that the first mission vehicle was worn off and that we had ask for a replacement and the request honored by a few benevolent hands as detailed in our previous report, we had not still completely given up with the old vehicle. It was at “such a time as this” when some ‘’special needs” were granted so that the request to at least once more repair the old vehicle was honored. Through our Coordinator, Mr. Ashcraft the minimum needed funds to upgrade it were provided and the repairs effected so that it is now available to satisfy certain rough road missions and transport of fire wood for the Institute’s kitchen.
Conclusion: We are truly thankful to God and grateful to you all for the tireless spiritual and material support which has kept the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute going. God is to be glorified for the men being trained and for the regular conversions here at Gueckedou and around.