To God be the glory that our infinite and merciful God has granted us another opportunity to meet again in proxy. Though we stay far away from one another, yet we are closer in the Spirit. This is another opportunity for us to share with you the report of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone for the past month of August, 2021. The month of August was a fruitful one for us. The school’s academic activities continued without any hindrance; some souls were being converted to the Lord’s church; Agriculture was as well embarked upon, and other exciting activities occurred as well. May you read with us through as we share the report based on the following subheadings:
We have always informed you that we usually go out for evangelism (both staff and students) during weekends. And for the month of August, the Lord opened the hearts of six people and were baptized for the remission of their sins. Please may we pray for their spiritual growth.
KBVBI has created the Agricultural program in order to help her students learn some good farming skills so that even after their graduation, they would be able to put the skills into practice and produce certain foods for their consumption. Moreover, those who can produce a large quantity can sell and use it as a means of livelihood. Thus, in the month of August, we began to clear our farm land (basically on our school land) to be able to plant cassava. Some staff and the students were actively involved in the work.
Steven is one of our newly admitted students who was born in Kono, Kono District in 2000. He was baptized into the Lord’s body in 2016. Brother Steve is a committed student who is so much desirous to preach the Gospel. Before coming to Bear Valley, he had been leading songs and sometimes teaching teenagers in his congregation in Kono.
On the whole, we continue to be grateful to God, our sponsors and all of you who are praying for us. Please continue to remember the work of God in Sierra Leone in your prayers. We look forward to sharing with you again our anticipated September report.