Campaigns: The Key Word For This Week's Report...

Students in Denver left Friday for campaigns. For the sixteen new students at Bear Valley, this will be their first campaign with the group. We are excited to see them travel to several locations around the country. We know the encouragement they receive and bring to the Lord’s church is worth the time spent. The other benefit is for these students to put into practice what they learn during the quarter.

The first quarter for these new students passed quickly and they all did a wonderful job. We are encouraged by this new group of students as they make their way through the program. All the men who currently study in Denver show a special quality that will make them an asset to the Lord’s church. We ask you to pray for these men and their families while they study and as they enter the ministry. Two will complete their studies in December and begin a new phase in their life as they both plan to enroll in the Masters in Missions program and prepare for missions.

Various extension schools report about the work accomplished among students preparing themselves in the same way. Among the eighteen locations where Bear Valley is privileged to partner in training men to preach, the reports below are exciting. Information about a new class of students beginning their journey, students returning from fruitful campaigns, preparation for a Leadership Conference, and a special dedication, fill the pages of this week’s report. We pray you are encouraged by all that God is doing in this effort.

There are several prayer requests noted in the reports. We ask you to pray for these individuals and the challenges they face. We also ask you to continue praying for us as we move closer to beginning two new schools and preparing for the addition of more in the year ahead. Without you, this work would not be possible. Thank you.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Steven Ashcraft’s latest report can be read by clicking here.

Howell Ferguson’s latest report can be by clicking here.

Extension Reports

A Campaign That Is Exciting To Read About In Cameroon: Students recently returned from their week-long campaign, and the news of souls added to the church is exciting to read about.

A Truth That Cannot Be Changed: The providential hand of God seen in the lives of staff and students in Mbanga, Cameroon, including two weeks of intensive studies, encourages the work.

A New Quarter Begins And Weekend Campaigns Bear Fruit: News from campaigns in Nigeria continue to share the excitement as the power of the Gospel is changing lives.

100+ Baptized Over The Last Two Months In Togo: The work in Togo continues to demonstrate the power of God as more than 100 people were baptized over the last two-month period.

Teaching Others To Teach Others In Paraguay: The goal of the mission work is described beautifully in this week’s report from the Spradlin’s about the situation in Paraguay.

ITL Faces Multiple Challenges In The Training Program: As ITL’s report indicates, the work of training men to preach brings difficult challenges and decisions.

Exciting New Beginnings With The Work In Cambodia: Students and staff are excited about changes implemented for the new school year at the International Bible Institute.

A Bitter-Sweet Farewell To A Friend Of The Work In Tamale: A dedication in memory of sister Avril Keoughan was given at the new location of the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies.

Adding To The Mission Team And Preparing For The Leadership Conference: New team members move to Tanzania as preparations are finalized for this week’s conference.

Final Thoughts
To express how much we appreciate each of you is an understatement. The schools that benefit, the souls that are saved, the congregations that are encouraged, and the glory that is given to God cannot be measured this side of heaven. You are a blessing in every way and we appreciate the opportunity to walk along side you in this effort of training workers for the Lord’s kingdom.

God bless

Posted on October 4, 2015 .