Hello beloved in the Lord,
I hope all is well because God is doing great, and will keep on doing great things in our lives.
Greetings from our staff, students, and our congregation. We are doing okay, most especially as we kicked off with our third quarter last Monday. All the students were present, only Abraham, who was held behind because of the critical situation with his wife, but God blessed the situation last Tuesday with a bouncing baby boy. They just left the hospital last Saturday and promised to be around by tomorrow (Monday). Brother Norbert will resume this coming Thursday because of his ill health.
The week was characterized with other activities, such as evangelism in Mbanga, and Mujuka, including Mabanda in Douala. We also went to Douala with a student and a staff member to attend a conference organized by some members of the church, with the intent of reuniting the the world in one accord. We also went to Njombe to visit some fallen brothers and sisters, and I believe that God is going to restore His church in this area. One of the fallen brothers worshipped with us after our visit on Friday.
Two souls were added into the church: one in Mbanga and the other in our young assembly in Mujuka this morning. We should keep on praying for them.