New students begin classes in Zambia


New Year’s greetings from BVBI-Zambia to you all brothers and sisters in the Lord and master Jesus Christ!  We hope and pray that you had a wonderful experience in the first month of the brand new year. We continue to pray that you have a year that is filled with things that mean most to you and energize you for a happy and healthy 2025!

The school has resumed classes besides the disturbance of cholera outbreak in Zambia especially in Lusaka province. All our students have come back in one peace and eager to complete their final year. We have had a good beginning of the year looking at the activities that took place with both our current student body and our Alumni. 


We have started with fifteen new students for 2025-2026 intake with two married students David Musmuko and Trust Siamachila. The rest thirteen are singles and come from five provinces of our country Zambia with the following names, Daliso Mbewe, Fenwell Sichoonda, Chalikosa Elvis, Lenard Chanda,Peter Chivumba,Warry Skalomo, Samwel Zemba Misheck Kapalu, Rupiya Masiye, Charles Mwape and Matthews  Chileshe. The school is going on well and we are very confident that we have another good year of teaching and preparing preachers. 

Our visitor

We were so delighted to meet with our Extension Director Keith Kasarjian from our main campus in Denver USA. Though it was just a one day visit we shared a lot as school administration and he also had time to teach our students on the Importance of Preaching. His visit was a great encouragement to us and we were invigorated.

In the same capacity we are looking forward to the coming of our Country coordinator Donnie Estep who we are expecting to visit in March this year. We just wish the two servants of the most High the blessings from above. 

New babes in Christ

We have recorded three (3) Baptisms in Luanshya through the preaching of our new students. And we have recorded one in Kanfinsa constituence of Kitwe where Boyd and Jally are preaching. We also recorded two from Northern province through Levy Silungwe and Reaben Museka In Mbala together we have recorded five (6) baptisms. God bless the new addition to the Church


We visited Mufulira district on the copperbelt where we also distributed gospel literature at Church of Christ in Kamuchanga Township. Nine (9) restorations were recorded eleven souls had promised to be in worship service the following Sunday service. We gave contacts of every soul we came in contact with to the leadership of the church there. We also recorded three (3) restorations in Lusaka province where Daniel Manyoni our former student is preaching in Mtendere. On the same development sixteen (16)  souls in Baluba  Chibwe where Prince Chisupa, Joseph Musonda and Austin combined effort in preaching. Six  (6) restorations where recorded in Southern province were TRyvin, Abiton and Daniel our alumni are preaching now. Together we have had twenty (34) restorations. 


May our God continue to bless you for Loving God, our prayer is always that those we train would like to see them all develop into great leaders in the Church of our Lord. Winning souls is our business, may God be with you always as we labor in His vineyard.

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on February 8, 2025 .