Second Quarter 2024
Hello fellow workers in the Lord’s vineyard. We are grateful to the Almighty God for seeing us through another quarter of service in His Kingdom.
Thanks be to God for the school had nine students graduate in the school graduation at Doboro last April, with two new students; Daniel Ofori and Padi Simon Narteh. The students now left are 12. We continue to advertise for more students.
We have four of them currently working with nearby congregations. Two of them are working permanently with the congregations they are working with. Others are working with the local congregation in teaching and preaching and serving in other areas they are called to serve.
We had three courses taught. In April, Bro Wisdom Yirenkyi taught the Cost of Discipleship. In May, Bro Paul Larbi Young taught, How we got the Bible. In June, Bro Amoo – Gyimah was supposed to have been the instructor but because he was assigned to teach in one of the schools, Bro Paul Larbi Young took over the class and taught Old Testament 1 (Pentateuch).
We are going to have our yearly public preaching from 27th to 31st August, 2024 Lord’s willing. We pray that the good Lord will give us good weather to enable us to preach.
We are very grateful for the Lessons on the Library that could be copied. Most of the students have copied them for use.
We pray the good Lord will continue to bless our supporters and the school as a whole so that through our effort many will be brought into the knowledge of our saviour Jesus Christ for salvation.
Reported by Gyan – Mante.