Bear Valley Bible Institute International, Accra East
First Quarter Reports- 2024
Courses Taken
The first quarter was started on the 05th, the first Friday in January 2024. The quarter ended on last Saturday in March which was on 30, 2024. Within this quarter the school was able to complete three courses, and these are as follows:
· The book of 1,2 & 3 John
· The book of James
· The book of Galatians
House-to-House Evangelism
The house-to-house evangelism went on in three communities. These were Gomoa Asebu, Santor, and Awutu Breku Twiime. There are congregations in those communities. The students were sent to those congregations on rotational bases, two or one student on every Sunday. With these, three baptisms were recorded all took place at Awutu Breku, Twiime.
However, the first major evangelism campaign of the school took place at Gomoa Asebu on 29th-31st March, 2024. We also took that opportunity to visit the backsliders and encouraged them to come to church. The students who were able to take part were eight (8). We also had few members at Gomoa Asebu church who also joined us. The rest of the students who couldn’t make it to Gomoa Asebu will go and do follow up on next week. No baptism was recorded. But good news is that one of our prospects promised to baptize next week on 07th April 2024. He even came to church and worshipped with us on the Sunday. Our campaign led to the increase in the church attendance as many of the backsliders also came to church.
Report on Awutu Breku Twiime, church
Awutu Breku Twimee church of Christ is the product of Bear Valley church planting program. It was planted last year September 24, 2023 by Accra East. By the end of first quarter, 2024 the church has recorded three baptisms. The average attendance is twenty-five (25). Accra East students have been going there on rotational bases on every Sunday. Sometimes two and sometimes one student. The students also did a free will contribution and were able to buy eight (8) galvanize pipes to put up a temporary structure on a plot of land offered to them by one of their members.
This year 2024 church planting program
This year church planting will take place at Achanisa-Abobiri in the Eastern Region. It is a small village, a cocoa community. The campaign and inauguration of the church will take place on 26th -28th April, 2024. During our feasibility studies we saw that the community has only five denominational churches, this were, The Church of Pentecost, Bethel Church, Calvary church, Presbyterian Church and Divine Healing church. They are Akan speaking community. One of the students, Akwasi Mamah who is the resident in that community will manage the church after the inauguration.
The full program will be forwarded to the Administrator and the Coordinator, Doboro-Accra for their attention.
Item received
New Lap top(s), and the Internet Router for research works were given to Accra East campus. I acknowledged receipt of the machines and expressed my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the management of Bear Valley, Local and International.