February was a very busy month at BVBIZ. Since this February was the second from the last month before the 2022-2024 class goes for their final attachment, serious effort was put in classes. Parallel classes proceeded on as well. Progress was also registered on the projects and infrastructure side of things. These and more are reported hereunder.
By the ending of February, several subjects were done and completed. These include; Preacher’s life and work, Church administration and governance, Strategic Management for churches, Teacher training, Bible Geography and Christian Evaluation of contemporary ethics. A few others are still ongoing. Great appreciation goes to both teachers and students for the efforts they put in to ensure the smooth flow of classes. Weekend evangelism continued as well. Some of the congregation that benefited in February include Lot 64, Choto in Gokwe, Shurugwi, Nashville, Kwekwe and Plasworth.
The 2021 class has progressed well in terms of its classes. Their practicum has also continued in various areas. The October 2023 class has continued on the same path as well. This last class has two batches. The first class is done at Dzivarasekwa in Harare whilst another one is at Nhowe Mission in Macheke. The Nhowe class delayed to start but had its first class in February 2024. Twelve students are expected to make up the class. More details to follow in the subsequent reports.
The women’s fellowship in Harare had been facing a few challenges in their fellowship. Some of these are doctrinal with others having to do with their roles in church. They came up with their program and requested BVBIZ to send some teachers to help them teach and clarify issues. Though this is not at BVBIZ program, the school was willing to assist. Lovemore Manyanhaire, was the first teacher. The venue for the classes is Highfields Church of Christ and classes are done one Saturday per month for 12 months.
The 24th of February was a BVBIZ ambassador’s’ day. Of the 10 ambassadors. 6 succeeded in coming to the school with some arriving on the 23rd whilst others arrived early morning on the 24th for their day. Those who came include brothers Nqobani Ndlovu, Tawanda Chimedza, George Muhura, Lovemore Manyanhaire, Tinashe Mazhambe and Ovious Kufa. The team interacted with management and several discussions took place to shape this important office. The school always appreciates this team for working closely with the school in various areas.
Projects remain an integral part in the training of preachers. They give the school an opportunity to provide hands on experience to them besides the theory they learn in class. They also enable the school to provide better nutrition to the students including giving an extra dollar to the school when sales are made. In the month of February, sales were realized in cabbages, eggs, tomatoes, okra, covo, maize and green paper.
There was movement in the area of infrastructure in February. Great appreciation to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for providing money towards some specific needy areas. These areas are reported below;
The teacher’s house had remained incomplete for a few years. Outstanding issues included the floors, solar system, ceiling and painting. The solar system was the one that was installed first. It has 8 solar panels, a 5KVA inverter and lithium battery. The ceiling was next then followed by the floor tiles. Painting could not be done as the first three developments took more funds than anticipated.
Preparations to lay the foundation of the much anticipated classroom block are at an advanced stage. We are currently waiting for the approval of the plan. Work should commence in March. Most of the material needed for the foundation have been acquired and a builder identified.
The school site had remained open since 2018 when we got the land. A great need to protect the investments being made was there for all to see. Both people and animals would walk freely inside the property. Cattle in particular would cause havoc on our grounds and projects. This is becoming a thing of the past as half of the land is being fenced. 500m shall be covered with a diamond fence whilst 470m shall be covered using game/field fence.
Through the assistance from Woodland Oaks Church of Christ, the school was able to acquire 20 quality mattresses. The ones that were in use had been with us since the inception of the school in 2016 and were slowly becoming unusable. Challenges were also being seen whenever numbers increase. This will now be a thing of the past as 20 single mattresses have been acquired.
9.0 MAY 2024 INTAKE
Recruitment for the May 2024 intake is still in progress. From the interviews done, 11 prospective students have been accepted. Four more slots remain.
Having looked at what BVBIZ could do in the month of February, we conclude by expressing our gratitude to everyone who made this possible. Your financial, moral and spiritual support is greatly appreciated. May God bless you all!