Reporting Letter for the month of January-2024
Respected director Mr. Kieth Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners. Greetings to you all in the matchless name of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may serve us to find you with good health. We would like to share a brief report for the month of January-2024.
Class room work: God has blessed our class room work in the month of January-2024. Our teachers have done their level best in following the syllabus prescribed by the BVBI. All the students have done hard work to complete the syllabus.
Our coordinator’s visit: We are happy to share with you about our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds visit. God has heard our prayers and brought him safely. He was able to reach our city and taught in the our BVBI-extension centre from January 14th to January 19th( Monday to Friday). He did a wonderful job in teaching the wonderful course “The Church Planting “.
First day (Monday):- Review of syllabus, expectations for the course, introduction, the paternal approach , indigenous approach, saturation church planting.
Second day (Tuesday):- philosophy of church planting, effective church planting philosophy , Developing goals and strategies, vision .
Third day ( Wednesday) :- Planting new churches, guidelines for effective planting, the type of man God uses
Forth day( Thursday):- what is your method, equipping the saints, notebook graded.
Fifth day(Friday):- Memory work exam, final examination , outline due.
Regarding the attendance beside our BVBI students we have permitted local leaders, women bible teachers, children class teachers, youth class teachers to the class to the daily class with the permission of our coordinator. We had more than 70 people for the daily class. We all have learned new ideas and new thoughts out of this course. We are thankful to BVBI for providing this wonderful platform to study bible lessons . We feel as it is God given opportunity to have BVBI extension centre in our city.
Baptisms: - In the month of January 3 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. We request you to pray for the new souls so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.
A.G:- Work shop:- In the month of January second week we have conducted Vegetable Garden workshop at Prakasm colony and given training to the local people . They have learned how to construct raised beds , drip irrigation, compost making , planting the seed links, constructing protecting fencing around the garden , marketing etc..
Attending for the funeral :- in the month of January 22nd our local church member Mr. Sudheer passed away. We have involved our students for the funeral and they learned how to mourn with family members and share comfort. After the funeral we provided a meal to the family members.
Birthday events:- In the month of January on 15th evening I have preached at one birthday event. Then on 17th afternoon one of the family in our local church has invited us for birthday thanksgiving meeting. We were able to attend and share our joy. Our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds presented a good lesson from Luke 2:52. “And Jesus increased in wisdom, and stature , and in favor with God and men”. The family members , church members and relatives were encouraged by the lesson, about 200 people have heard the word of God.
On Line Zoom Meeting:- Tirupati BVBI-extension centre has launched out “on line xoom class” . On every Thursday at 7:00 am we start our class . We invite experienced Bible teachers to teach. In January we had these classes on January 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th. We are happy to inform you that more than 50 people have enrolled for the zoom classes, most of them are graduates and post graduates.
Home Bible studies:- Tirupati BVBI-extension centre has involved very much in gospel sharing. We try to find person of peace in several places and focusing to plant new local churches. We request you to pray for this program.
We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement. We appreciate your love and concern.
Thanking you.
Yours brother in Christ.
Vijay& staff from Tirupati BVBI-extension centre.