January, 2024
New Year’s greetings from BVBI-Zambia to you all brothers and sisters in the Lord and master Jesus Christ! We hope and pray that you had a wonderful experience in the first month of the brand new year. We continue to pray that you have a year that is filled with things that mean most to you and energize you for a happy and healthy 2024!
The school has resumed classes besides the disturbance of cholera outbreak in Zambia especially in Lusaka province. All our students have come back in one piece and eager to complete their final year. We have had a good beginning of the year looking at the activities that took place with both our current student body and our Alumni.
Leadership workshop on the Copperbelt Province
We had a good and successful meeting on the Copperbelt province with leaders in Mufulira, Mufulira is a town on the Copperbelt province bordering with Congo D.R. we as an Institute we are making every effort to revive one of the congregation there which has deviated into Pentecostalism. The meeting went on well on January 20th 2024; most of the members who attended the meeting were very excited and hoped such meetings to continue for a week. Our next meeting was planned again in April this year.
Our Alumni at work
Daniel Kapata still working in Zimba Southern province is doing a good work, he recently visited Livingstone and met with Jally Siawaza the two were in the same intake and graduated together. Daniel and Jally worked together for three days at the congregation at the airport and we recorded five restorations.
Jally Siawaza is now planning to marry and he is coming once again on the Copperbelt province where he saw a wife to be at the congregation in Baluba District. We are praying for the good intentions he has for the wife to be; to come to reality.
Gershom Chansa; has joined a degree program in mathematics and he is expected to be there for the next four years. Gershom is a very vibrant Christian and we have no doubts that he will continue to preach Christ as he has been doing since his graduation from Bear vary Bible Institute here in Zambia.
Simon Nkhazi is in his second year studying clinical medicine at woodland University in Lusaka. Simon has continued to preach Christ and soon he is planting a new congregation in Mtendere of Lusaka. We continue to work with him closely until this new congregation becomes a reality. We have recorded two baptisms in the month of January.
New babes in Christ
We have recorded ten (10) Baptisms in the central province of Zambia where brother Kennedy Mukuka was preaching. And we have recorded two in Lusaka where Simon Nkhazi was preaching. We have recorded four (4) baptisms in Luanshya Copperbelt province. Together we have recorded sixteen (16) baptisms. We wish to welcome all new born babes into the family of Christ, and pray for God’s continued blessings on their lives
We recorded seven (7) restorations in Northern Province of Zambia where Ishmael Kanyangala has been preaching. We also recorded four (4) on a Copperbelt province in Chibwe where Prince Chisupa our current student has been preaching, nine (9) restorations where recorded in Southern province were Mainza Siakuba one of our current student has been preaching. Together we have had twenty (20) restorations.
Indeed we can make life meaningful to the last day here on earth and we can promote our Lord’s cause till the last moment of our lives. Let’s keep on laboring for the Lord. You are always in our prayers!
In His service,
Cephas and Fred