Dear brother,
Allow us once again, before talking about our activities, to send you and to the entire Bear Valley Family, our best wishes for health and happiness. Also receive heartfelt greetings from the Bear Valley-Chad family.
Indeed, dear Coordinator, the first month of the new year is not bad in terms of results. The work went well despite some difficulties. Speaking of evangelization, our students all completed the internship on site in Moundou. The sharing of the gospel was at a high level compared to previous months. We had two baptisms. The number of visitors to worship has also increased.
Talking about academic work, the result is better compared to the first three quarters. Currently. Presently, students are on vacation. They will return for the fifth term on February 25. Let us pray for their vacation stay and their effective return.
Concerning the projects, the staff of the Center's instructors, the students, and the different congregations of the Church of Christ in Chad, ardently pray for the mission of the Coordinator of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Moundou-Chad and his entire team in Chad next month. May God make this first mission of the Coordinator in Chad effective!
Be sufficiently blessed for the work of the Lord throughout the world.
In Christ,