Dearest in Christ,
Compliments of the season to you and your family. We do hope the season is treating you well. We are very grateful to God for His guidance and protection for us from January to December as we are left with just a few days until the end the year 2024. This report, will mark the end of the reports concerning the 7th or ETA batch of students that God placed in our hands to train and to help to transform, in the Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon -Wotutu. Their graduation ceremony was a huge success. All glory goes to God!
The 7th valedictory night took place in the new chapel hall. Bear Valley students, their families, and others, congregated in the hall by 6 PM on the 11th of December 2024, for a session of prayers, and to usher the students into the wilderness for full time ministry in the Christ. It is always a solemn time, to be able to give a profile of each student to the congregation, and for them to be encouraged and advised by other preachers, by elders, and by the instructors of the Bear Valley Bible Institute. It is time for us to give a final word to them, and to say good-bye as they go to preach the gospel, and develop the church of Christ, in the country of Cameroon. Please keep them in your prayers as they enter the field.
Everyone always has a great time during a portion that has been a tradition in the Bear Valley Bible Institute. That is graduation morning when the coordinator and director organize a special breakfast for the graduating class and many others who will join us and benefit from it. The aim of this event is or us to serve our students with breakfast, so as to follow the example of Jesus, washing the feet of His apostles, and then telling them to go and serve people and not to go to be served by them. The 2024 graduation ceremony had the theme, “IT’S TIME TO GO,” from Isaiah 6:8. We started having a graduation theme and a breakfast during the alpha batch and the process has continued. We served breakfast alongside our visitors from Schrader Lane which included two elders, one preacher, and two sisters from that congregation. Please keep them in your prayers as they fly back home today. Brother David Ballard is already in Chad, as they will have their first graduation ceremony there this week.
God is faithful, as we have now successfully trained another class of preachers. This batch started with 22 students, but 4 of them fell along the line because they could not cope with the studies. By His grace, this batch of 18 graduates have brought the total number of men that we have graduated from Wotutu to 132. Some have passed away and a very small number have fallen away, but we thank God that the greater part of them, are still very active in the field preaching and teaching. The church is ever growing under their care. These soldiers of Christ are ready to storm 18 different locations in the country of Cameroon to diminish the kingdom of satan. They are prepared and ready. They are not only ready for the work, they are excited to have the opportunity to work, for the Lord. They will always have at the back of their minds, or motto which is “EVANGELISM IS OUR MISSION, AND OUR MISSION IS EVANGELISM.”
We have from now, until the beginning of next year, 2025, to rest small and then to start preparing for the next class of students in the Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon -Wotutu. Please continue to keep this work in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you! Thank you very much for all you are doing for the work entrusted in our hands. God is watching, and will reward you in due season. Don’t give up! Please again by sharing our reports with others.
We wish for you, a new year, that will be full of His grace and blessings. We will see you in 2025, God willing.
Elangwe and family
By His grace director of the BVBIC-Wotutu