December 11, 2024
Reporting Letter for the Month of November-2024
Respected director Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter finds you in good health. We thank you very much for your prayers and encouragement for the smooth function of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh-State, India. We humbly submit the brief report for the month of November-2024.
Weather condition:- as we live coastal side of the Bay of Bengal (Ocean) every year in the month of November we suffer due to cyclone effect. Last week of November for 5 days continually we had heavy rains. God is good to care for our family as well the members. We provide food for the needy during this emergency period.
Classroom work:- We continually conduct the classes. Before we start the classes we allow the students to have devotion. Then we have two sessions in the morning and two sessions in the evening. In the month of November we have covered book of Job , Psalms , Godhead , New Testament church etc..
Campaigning :- In the month of November we conducted two campaigns.
Baptism:- In the month of November 2 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ.
We involved the students in the following local church activities
Worship service:- Regular preaching and teaching at Tirupati and Vidyanagar churches of christ and other rural congregations. We involve the students in the church service.
Wednesday Bible study:- We have completed teaching the parables of Jesus Christ in our Wednesday Bible study, now we are studying the Christian evidences. Students are active in the midweek Bible study.
Children classes:- Children are learning stories, memory scriptures, participate in bible quiz. Teachers are active in training them (1Timothy 6:4). BVBI students are trained well how to organize the children classes.
Youth class:- Young people in the local church are studying the basic lessons. There are seven young people who are near to baptism, please remember them in your prayers. Our Bear valley students are learning how to organize youth classes.
Women class:- Every Friday at 5pm sisters meet for Bible study , prayers. singing and fellowship. They are active in growing spiritually. Our students learn how to assist the local church sisters to grow spiritually.
Home Bible study:- We got a new contact for the home bible study. Mr. Zakary, his wife Ester, his two sons Daniel and Samuel. We hope that this family will obey the gospel. Another family from a nearby town is also interested in studying the truth. Please remember them in your prayers. We take the students for home Bible studies.
Bible camp for the disabled people:- We try to use the opportunities to share the word of God. On November 5th I preached at the District disabled meeting. A few people are interested in studying with us personally. We teach the students how to use the opportunities to share the word of God.
Visiting leprosy colony:- We regularly visit two leprosy colonies and share with them the gospel of Jesus Christ. On November 2nd my son Timothy and I visited leprosy colony at Kadaparoad. In this leprosy ministry we show the students how to assist them.
Thanksgiving meeting;- On November 6th I preached at a Thanksgiving meeting at Thummalagunta. Mr. Jaswanth and sister Feebe are strong members in our local church. They invited neighbors, relatives and members for the meeting. We had a wonderful opportunity to share the word of God. We invited students to observe how to organize the thanksgiving meeting.
Rurual villages visits:- we visited Poolathota-village, Gottiprolu village and Kota village for preaching and teaching the word of God. We invited students to visit the rural areas.
Memorial meeting:- On November 26th we have attended for the memorial meeting at Muchalagunta-Village. I was given opportunity to preach the word of God to about 500 people. I taught the lesson from 1 Kings 2:1-11. I took 4 students to attend for this meeting. They have learned good things from this meeting.
Student moral value class:- when we compare the days of our childhood and now the present children are losing the moral values than the older generation. So I visited Venkatagiri town of Wenkatagiri on November 27th. I got opportunity to gather school children and teach them human moral values.
We thank you very much for the establishment of the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh state, India. We treat it as it is blessing of God and wonderful platform to train up young people and share the gospel of Jesus christ to the dying souls in India. We need your continual prayers.
Thanking you.
Yours brother and sister in Christ.
Vijay&BVBI staff-in India