Reporting Letter for the month of October-2024

Date:- November 1 , 2024
Respected director Mr.Keith Kasarjian and our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners - greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter may serve us to find you good health. We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI-extension centre at Tirpati, Andhra Pradesh India. We would like to submit our October -2024 report briefly.
Weather :- Unfortunately in the month of October there was cyclone effect in our area, we had continual rains. Some of our members are working for the daily bread, those people whenever they don’t get work due to cyclone effect suffer a lot for the daily bread. We have done follow-up work to check with such a families to assist them as much as possible. We taught the students how to care for the members during the disaster.
Baptism:- We are happy to report you that six souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ in the month of October . We request you to pray for these newly baptized souls so that they grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.
Death:- There are few families from our local church who are living in the jungles, they are tribal people. One of the widow sister Santhamma from this colony passed away on October 19th, 2024. We were able to prepare the coffin and honorably do the funeral. Please pray for the family members. Our students learned how to involve with families who are sad.
Youth class:- Each week after the Sunday worship service youth class students are given homework . In the month of October first week they have memorized names of the Old Testament books and during the, second week names of New Testament books. The third week them memorized the love chapter (1 Corinthians 13). We educate the BVBI students to learn how to help the children and youth to grow spiritually.
Members :- each week after the Sunday worship service all the members are given the homework . They need to write all the scriptures that were quoted in the Sunday sermon. Bear Valley Bible Institute students witness how the members are growing spiritally.
Pinchinayudpalli-Village :- We have visited Pinchinayudpalli-Village, this is newly planted local congregation.
Bangalore :- on first Sunday we have visited one local church in Bangalore and encouraged them. The preacher is known to our family for several years. He has been expecting us to visit them for several years. By the grace of God we were able to visit them on October 6th, 2024. This is the preacher requesting the extension centre at Bangalore city.
Midweek Bible study:- Our midweek bible study is much useful for our spiritual growth. Last couple of weeks we are studying the parables of Jesus Christ. We request you to pray for our classes. All the students of BVBI participate in the midweek bible study.
Zoom Meeting: - On every Thursday we conduct zoom meeting, we have completed the book of Acts, Philippians and the book of Ephesians we are studying.
Guests;- In the month of October Mr.Eno and his wife Nadine Damo could able to visit our place from Canada. They spent two weeks with us. They taught these subjects - Spiritual growth, how to handle the conflict, doing great work by humble beginning, Bible is the inspired word of God, the importance of the women in the sight of God etc..Bear Valley Bible Institute students were inspired and motivated by their visit.
Staff meeting:- In the month of October we had our staff meeting and discussed several agendas for the better development of the students. We focus on these three areas for the students . Giving them information, helping them to feel and watching them how they behave. By the grace of God each student is growing.
Village ministry:- We continually visit different villages and proclaim the gospel of Christ. These are the villages we have planted village congregations. 1. Poolathota-Village, 2.Aruru -Village, 3.Microtower colony- Village,4.Jangalapalli- Village, 5.Chittedu- Village, 6.Nancharampeta- Village,7.Gunapadu- Village,8.Bathlapuram- Village, 9. Kota- Village,10.Thinnelapudi- Village etc.. We teach our BVBI students how to do the church planting ministry.
We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement.
Thanking you.
Yours brother in christ.
B.Vijaya Kumar and Staff from BVBI-Extension Centre, Tirupati-INDIA.