Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from your brethren here in Cameroon. We do hope you are doing well. We always keep you in our prayers and we trust that the work of God is continuing in your area as well. We continue to apologize for the poor network situation in my area which does not permit me to send my report weekly as I used to do. But, all the same, as long as I have the opportunity, I will make sure my report reaches you.
The past period in Wotutu was great as we were involved in most of our normal routines and a few others that popped up. God is still at work in His ministry and we give all the glory back to Him as He deserves all.
During the last quarter, the course “Marriage and Family” came up. It is always a course that comes along with a lot of opening up of and strengthening to marriages. I taught the course alongside my wife. The course involved lessons that ranged from the origin and God’s expectations in marriage to communication, as well as many other very important topics concerning marriage.
During the course of teaching the class, we at times divided the class into two groups. The wives would stay in the classroom with my wife, while the men would stay with me under the tree. In this way, each person could speak freely with an open heart about the deep things in their marriages, some of which would need some special care and special prayers. We tried to do our humble best in teaching this class because we know it is very true that when families are strong and fully connected to each other in love, then the congregations will be stronger as well.
An extra blessing that comes whenever this class comes up, is that those who are married traditionally, will have the opportunity to legalize their marriage before the government of Cameroon which is backed with a marriage license. To help you understand marriages in Cameroon, they come in phases of INTRODUCTION, TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE, COURT OR WEDDING, AND CHURCH MARRIAGE.
Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. This slogan or motto is a part of the Bear valley Bible institute here in Cameroon. We do our best to keep evangelism at the top of our agenda. Immediately after the wedding ceremony in our congregation, our students and staff hit the road to different mission fields that are far away from Wotutu as we continue hawking the bread of life free of charge .
Mission work takes us to many locations even when heavy rains make bad roads and with the high cost of transportation to get to our different mission fields. But, because we think souls, we have no other option than to go, so that we can save some souls. Mission printing tracts were given to many prospects and God blessed the evangelistic efforts by adding 25 baptisms, 6 restored Christians, and two newly established congregations. There are the Big Butu church of Christ and the Mbonge road congregation.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. We have resumed classes again in the Bible college and this is the last quarter of the 2 years program as prescribed by the Bear Valley elders. I am teaching this quarter on Congregational Development. I will also include, as part of the course, belief therapy and counseling lessons. This quarter will end before December 11, which will be our valedictory night. The 12th of December will be our graduation ceremony. We have our theme for this graduation which is, “IT’S TIME TO GO Isaiah 6:8.” Please, you can make plans to be our guest during this ceremony.
We say thank you Lord, for the God will serve is a God of providence. Our chapel hall is almost completed. You can see hundreds of students in Brightland Christian Comprehensive College going to the hall for chapel. The message of Christ goes deeper when students are not distracted by various natural occurrences. We used to do it in the open air, but rains would come at times and disturb the smooth running of our chapel and at other times students were baking in the sun.
God takes all the glory. Even though it is not fully completed, hundreds of students are shaded in this building and the serenity is great. More attention is given to the speaker at chapel time now even though we don’t have seats. It is still much better than standing under the sun or rain.
The Bear valley Bible Institute in Wotutu by December, will have been established for 14 years. This means that we have successfully trained 7 batches of students. The new batch of 20 students came in the month of May to take the entrance exams and after many background checks on those who performed well, the result of 20 successful candidates has been proclaimed. They are getting ready to start their new journey in the Lord by the 12th of December where they will be matriculated into the Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon – Wotutu. They will be the THETA or 8th batch. Please keep them in your prayers as they make plans to come. It is evident that the FIELD IS TRULY RIPE AND READY, BUT THE WORKERS ARE NOT ALWAYS THERE TO GO GET THE HARVEST. We are doing our best to train men, alongside their families, to preach the saving message.
We are still focusing on evangelism. That is our business and the business shall continue.
Thank you very much for all your prayers and for your sincere hearts towards this work. We are convinced that God is watching and will repay each of us in due season. Do make a great day.
Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu