Capping-off and Starting Over Again in 2024
After 4 years of hard labor in accomplishing assignments, memorizing Bible verses, creating sermon outlines and research papers, studying class notes for quizzes and exams, our first batch of students have finally reached the finished line as they tackled the remaining two courses in July and August.
We have the opportunity to study on the Scheme of Redemption (Plan of Salvation) with brothers from the US, Greg Pollock and Jon Lucius on July 15-19,2024. A few young men and women from the neighboring island of Negros joined us as they audit this course together with few preachers from the Cebu. We all have enjoyed this class as we learn deeper God’s plan to save the world. Our students were fascinated to learn the truth about the plan of salvation which started before creation. It is always a great time to learn new things studying the scripture.
In August, we have another international instructor teaching our students the 2nd epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. Shane Fisher, with his wife Emily, visited our school and he shared his knowledge regarding 2 Corinthians. Shane and Emily are both working with the World Evangelism ministry in Winona, Mississippi and they also love singing. After our daily lectures, they have taught our students new church hymns, which were composed by him and one brother. We also have a few audit students coming from Dumaguete City, Negros island and few from Cebu as well.
After capping-off the curriculum by studying the Scheme of Redemption and 2 Corinthians, we have gone full circle and started again into our curriculum for the second batch of students. I have the opportunity again to teach the history of our Bible, “How We Got the Bible.” We had a great week studying this course in September and our students who only studied these things the first time were amazed with the transmission of the Bible, from the time it was written to the time it was copied and now translated to different languages in the modern period. We greatly appreciate the people behind the efforts to bring the Bible to what it is now.
October is a special month to our school here in Bear Valley Bible Institute – Cebu, Philippines because we have another opportunity to learn from the Director of International Studies, Keith Kasarjian. Keith has done as always, a great job in teaching the course, Sermon Preparation and Development to another batch of Bible students. Another reason why this month is special because the 6 of our students received their certificates on graduation day in October 11, 2024. Families and friends of our graduates join us on this joyous celebration. The WORD has now been entrusted to these faithful men, now it is their turn to teach Word of Christ to more faithful men.