Monthly report for December 2023
Glory be to our father and Jesus Christ his son for helping us get through the month of December. We would like to thank all our sponsors, in this case GABRIEL CHURCH of CHRIST and the coordinator STEVEN and all the BEAR VALLEY managers who have contributed to the achievement of this great result that we have this 2023.
The students and teachers thank you. The church of Christ in Togo says thank you. Our prayer and our wish is that the Almighty will support you in your good deeds for the development of the church and the spread of the gospel throughout Africa.
The courses in the program have been completed, and the end-of-year exams take place on December 18, 19 and 2023. Part of the exam on evangelism was that each student had to do it in practice, so each had made an effort at personal evangelism. All in all, they succeeded in practicing what they learned a year ago.
Program of activities in 2023:
Two villages together: TSABOM and ALIKPODJI
From 14th, 15th and 16th: public evangelistic campaign in TSABOM-ALIKPODJI. Here are those who took part in the three-day evangelistic campaign.
1. Students
2. 10 evangelists and
3. 4 women to accompany the team during the three days of evangelism and film screenings (in local language and French).
Campaign results: 4 baptized
The 2024 program:
1. Plant 30 new churches throughout Togo.
2. 100 evangelistic campaigns throughout Togo.
3. Convert 1500 souls for Christ.
Youth Bible Camp on December 23, 24, 25 and 26, 2023 at YOH.
More than 150 young people from churches around Kpalime for a four-day camp.
The general theme: The good conduct of a young Christian.
1. The sub-theme: the Christian life of a young person in an immoral world (Evangelist Honku.
2. Sub-theme: The importance of the church (Evangelist Cephas).
The four days are marked by skits presented by young people from each congregation they represent.
In January 2024
These are the goals we want to achieve through our activities: the school and the evangelists. Please pray with us as we carry out the activities we have just begun. I met with brothers in Lome and TSEVIE about everything we have on the agenda. Some of them already asked us to evangelize two locations, and I'll let you know when we start in January 2024