Uganda students show great potential

Greetings brothers and sisters, 

The joy of the gospel continues to reach many. Souls are being saved arround the country,  giving us more hope of a strong and future church. 

I take this opportunity to thank God and everyone who is working tirelessly in the vineyard. I want to tell you how joyful we are at Bear Valley Uganda, especially the students who are always mentioning you in their prayers for the support given to let them be part of Bear Valley and take their classes comfortably here.

The school continues to give more hope as I see students taking a metamorphic change. Men are growing daily. This is because of their desire to know more. 

Classes are going on well and teachers bring good and nice report about the men in class. 

Our former students also haven't stopped telling us of what they are doing in the field. They have invited me to join them on 13-16th September debate with the Adventist. This is going to be an open public debate.  One of our students  was a former Adventist pastor,  having known the truth,  he has arranged such that we talk Scriptures with these people. So pray for this work of the Lord. 

At school,  we have been having  some challenges, ranging from water scarcity to sickness, but we thank God some of the students who got sick have gotten well and are back in class studying. 

Not forgetting to tell you of my uncle who passed on one week ago with great hopes that one day we shall see him. He has been a member of the church for over 30 years.  Pray for the widow.

In His service,


Posted on September 5, 2023 .