August 2023 Report from BVBI- TOGO
Glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ for ever and ever, who protected the divine institutions in Togo and gave success to our activities such as: churches, evangelism by students on Fridays, evangelism by zone, speakers and seminars to evangelists and their wives every three (3) months, spiritual education to youth and debates with pastors of denominations who accept debates around which often propose either live or WhatsApp groups.
Classes continue with teachers every day. Every Monday, the students report on the difficulties encountered during their door-to-door evangelism outings. This time it's a plea on their part for the school to issue a card identifying them as students and also to provide them with Bible tracts. The few we have kept are totally exhausted.
They are always regular in class and follow the lessons carefully. The month of August is marked by heavy rains. At the moment, there are enough mosquitoes in the area because there is water everywhere, and most of them suffer from malaria and are treated in hospital.
Here are the lessons of the quarter:
1. Overview of the New Testament.................................ATTAH Komi Ekpé Pierre
2. The Gospels of Mark and Luke....................................ATTAH Komi Ekpé Pierre
3. The Book of Acts............................................MENSAH Akovi Espérance
4. The ministry of the multiplication (evangelization)..........MENSAH Akovi Espérance
5. The book of Genesis.............................................NYEMANTA Cephas
6. Biblical Authority..............................................NYEMANTA Cephas
(An additional course is required, entitled "Bible and Tradition", taught by NYEMANTA Cephas, to answer the questions our students and evangelists encounter during evangelization campaigns).
Before starting classes in the morning, they follow devotional and memorization exercises which they write down, or some of them recite the verses according to their choice and the instruction given by the teacher. Every weekend, they all take an exam in each course.
With the evangelization of the areas instituted with the school's activity, the month of August was a real success, with a record 18 people baptized. The students and evangelists did a wonderful job preaching the Word of God. The evangelism on Fridays and the work of the zones will bear fruit, and already associated with Saturday's school, a village 10 km from NOTSE is already inviting us for a public evangelism that we plan to do until the end of September, when the rains will be a little scarce.
Evangelistic campaign in Togo:
With the course of denominations and daily evangelism a village 10 km from Notse (MAYIKPO) invites us for a public evangelism of which we wish to do two evangelistic campaigns in September if the rains become a little scarce and here are its locations:
2. NOTSE (MAYIKPO village, 10 km away, for church planting) and early October in
Visits to the churches:
Two by two with the center's motorcycles, they travel miles every Sunday to serve in local churches and especially. Churches visited in August include : ALIKPODJI, LAVIE-APEDOME, PRESIDENT-COPE, AVETONOU, AGOGOME, KATI, TCHABOM, TSAVIE, HANINGBA.