Reaching Souls in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this far end. We do hope you are doing great. God is blessing us, and we and our families are all going well. It is now summer holidays in Cameroon and many local families have temporarily increased in size because children of brethren come our way to spend the summer holiday.

The past weeks, of the work, have gone well as we were involved in many activities. The Lord has provided the means. We do hope this report meets you in good health and sound in faith.

Our students keep growing in many courses, Biblical and non-Biblical. An example of a non-Biblical course is a class for church music. Minister Tah Lucas does a great job of preparing our preaching students to also be prepared to be good song leaders in their different congregations when they enter their individual works after graduation from school.

The new van has gone a long way to ease our evangelism efforts. We can now move all 20 students to a location for weekend evangelism without any problem. When I drive the van myself, then 21 of us will be able to invade a village. We will be like ants, as we share the gospel to as many as possible before we return sometimes even the same day. It is a great blessing, and we are lovingly, thanking God and the STC family, for such a timely gesture toward us and the work we are doing in the name of the Lord here.

Immediately when we arrive in various locations, we embark on house-to-house evangelism. This method is still very much alive and strong here, as it gives opportunities for the prospects to freely ask questions of personal or general interest concerning their faith. This opens the door for them to become Christians. Some communities are so muddy now that we are in the rainy season now in Cameroon. We are forced at times like this to put on rain boots, so as to make your movement, mess and stress free.

It is always refreshing to go out to other locations for evangelism, lectureships, or workshops. We always meet our graduates there, who are still very active in their respective congregations. Meeting with them, and visiting with them, gives us a picture of the work in the area where they are serving. It is always a time for us to pray with them, and to encourage them to remain steadfast as we know that the field of work and just life in general here is always difficult.

It is a blessing and encouragement to any preacher, when the Lord adds souls to the church as he preaches the gospel and evangelizes communities. It is also encouraging to any preacher, to see young men and women develop, and grow, and start thinking of getting married to build their own families. By doing so, the congregation has a better future. Please keep our brother and friend Jarvis and his girlfriend Georgian in your prayers,  as they walk in love,  potentially resulting in the raising of good Christian children.


May God bless you for all that you are doing to keep this work functioning. We are very grateful! Thank you so very much for your love for God, His church, His children, and most especially for us here in Cameroon. Please do your best to help us, by sharing our reports with others, who may in turn share them with others in due season.

Thank you very much! Make a great day.

Elangwe and family

By His grace, director of BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on August 7, 2023 .