Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from the great country of Cameroon. We do hope this report meets you doing well and of a sound mind. God is good and He is faithful towards us and the work entrusted in our hands. We do hope you are doing good in all that you do.
The last week here was a busy for us as we were engaged in so many good works for God’s glory. A total of 9 missionaries came from different places in the United States of America to work for the Lord in different capacities.
One taught in the Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Wotutu, others did one on one evangelism, some were involved in medical consultations, dispersing of medications to those sick, and the sending of some severe cases to a hospital for further treatments. There were also visits to the Brightland Christian Orphanage, and a Vacation Bible School. God stood with all of these programs and they went on without any problems. To Him be the glory and honor.
On June 2nd, I was at the airport waiting for Gods servants as they flew in to Cameroon to serve God. 9 of them arrived safe and sound and were received by the brethren in the Wotutu congregation with open arms.
Minister Michael Crowder, and his wife Ethel, came from the Northside Church of Christ in Nashville. He came to teach a short course to our students on “THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH,” while his wife, sister Ethel Crowder was involved in teaching the women during women’s class and was also actively teaching children during the VBS. Brother Michael is a great teacher of the word. Please keep this great couple in your prayers.
From the 30th of June we have a mass evangelism in Mudeka village. Thanks be to God; we have a new evangelistic van that can carry 19 passengers. We shall storm the community with the gospel which is far more powerful than bombs. Keep this program in your prayers as God leads us to that community.
Thank you very much for your time and patient with us during the time of our delay. We thank you very much for your prayers and support which is the wheel that keeps this work going. God is seeing and will reward you in due season. Please share our reports with others who may share it even further.
God bless you all.
Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu