Dear brethren,
I bring greetings from all us at Skinner’s Garden and Bikkavolu. First let me thank you for your prayers which encouraged us to successfully finish the training of Men to be preachers. God has blessed our efforts total 12 students have been qualified to receive the course completion Diploma, which we call this as a Bachelor’s Degree. We are very much uplifted by this accomplishment, thank you all so much for being a part of this. We have scheduled the graduation ceremony on the 7th of July. We are thinking about making a good celebration on the eve of this accomplishment.
Usually, for any graduation program so far we are providing them a Bicycles, Rechargeable Mega Phone , Christian Literature. It is really a big time of celebration to encourage these 12 men for the successful completion of the course of education. All of them have come forward from various back grounds, we must appreciate them for their sacrifice and commitment to complete this course by being away from their families in order to prepare themselves to carry out the gospel to their communities. These 12 men have successfully finished their schooling, in fact we have started with 15 but ended with 12 successful students. We are grateful to God who showed mercy on us through the wonderful contribution from the new supporting congregations. During the terrible Covid season we had to loose few students, however we had over come that struggle by keeping remining with the same enthusiasm and sprit.
These men have dedicated their lives to carry out the gospel starting from their communities and people around. They have been trained both in the class room and out of the class room, probably had the best out reach training who can ever get as a Preaching student. They had handful experience in conducting Bible Studies, Gospel Meetings, Campaigns and other church related work. We are so thankful all the faculty who strived to pursue this task of sending some effective evangelists into the Real World Ministry
The director of Bear Valley International Schools, Bro. Keith Kasarjian will be our honored guest during the Graduation ceremony, we are thankful that this brother is coming forward to bless this occasion, we are very much excited since this is the first graduation ceremony of the Bikkavolu Bible College, which is a Bear Valley International School.
Lectureship: After a long long time we are conducting the Lectureship at Bikkavolu, of course this is for the first time after we established Bikkavolu Bible College, a Bear Valley International School. I have attached a PDF document for all of you to look at, we have selected a topic which we consider as very need, kindly pray that the speakers would do the right job to help the preachers, leaders, to be preachers and members of the church would get at most benefit. 5,6th of July is the lectureship, 14 lessons have been lined up and 9 speakers would be speaking according to the given topic, it will be recorded as well as available live on YouTube. we are excited about this, pray that our Lord would bless our efforts in keep the Church on the Truth.
Kindy pray for the lectureship and also for the graduation ceremony, come see us some day. We praise God for blessing us to reach this mile stone besides Covid and also financial difficulty after the school was established in 2019 July. However, our Lord has lead me to kind people like you to convey not only the need but the great program of Training our Men to carry out the gospel to the lost millions. It is amazing to see how God has worked out everything, that has lead to this success point, we are very much uplifted by your kind concern and support.
Please convey our heartfelt gratitude to the brethren at your congregations, we remember you all in our prayers daily, God bless you all.
In Christ,
John Dean M