School in Chad starting strong



We attribute the fact that we can still write to you at the end of June of the year 2023, to the divine grace of God that is upon us. May this same grace be your portion, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!  Below you will find information relating to the activities of BEAR VALLEY MOUNDOU-CHAD. You will find information about our academic, evangelism, and Alumni activities. May the peace of God be with you as you read!


We open the information on the academic activities of the Center with a word of thanksgiving. We say a sincere “thank you” to the leaders of Creekside, and to all those who directly or indirectly contribute in helping us in our activities. May God, who is the source of all blessings, return to you a hundredfold! In accordance with the close adherence to our program of academic activities, we have one week left to close our second term with the course, “God's Plan for the Salvation for the World.”  We glorify God for the very smooth running of our activities. We notice that the level of retention of course explanations by our students is progressing well compared to the first term. However, we ask you to continue to pray for these learners, that they can continue to overcome the few challenges they may face. Please pray also for their evangelism internship period and vacation time that lies between July 08 and August 27.


As the Lord wills and the leaders propose, evangelism is the priority of our activities as we also recognize that this is the purpose of our Center's existence. The people of our locality are beginning to willingly accept the presence of students and are more willing, allowing our students to share the gospel with them. Thus, the Saturday evangelistic outings have become a very interesting and fulfilling portion of student life. We have even begun to receive visits to the Center by those who are wanting to discuss the Bible. The number of visitors to worship has increased in the past month. There has been one baptism since the beginning of the second quarter. We hope that next quarter will be even better. May the name of God be glorified!


Regarding the activities of the former students of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon – Mbanga who reside in Chad, we have not organized a campaign for a semester. We intend to relaunch our activities in October. The results of our activities in the past years were very satisfactory, especially in the year 2021. Pray that this year will still be the best, especially with the evangelists results.


We did not experience any serious difficulties in the second quarter. In terms of health, we are seeing a slight increase in cases of illness. This is normal because we are in the middle of heavy rains and malaria is prominent. We are thankful to God that we have not had any very serious case. God's hand is on us!  We ask you continued prayers for the student evangelism internship which begins on July 8th.


The staff of instructors, the students, the assembly of the Center and I, say thank you for your very strong and momentous partnership.  What a partnership we have that is allowing us to help saves souls in our locality. We have nothing to offer you in return, but we pray to God through Jesus Christ, the one who called you and entrusted you with this noble mission, to grant you good health and all kinds of blessings for the continuation of our mission. Thank you also, for your kindness and understanding. May God bless you all in Jesus Christ!


In Christ,


Bear Valley Moundou-Chad

Posted on July 27, 2023 .