The month of June had its highs and lows at BVBIZ and in Zimbabwe in general. Zimbabwean citizens saw sharp increases in prices of basic goods and services. The school was not spared either. However, in the midst of this challenge, classes continued, evangelism took place while the projects side had notable developments. These and more are reported hereunder.
Several subjects have so far been taught and completed. These subjects include; Church Growth, Church leadership, Christian Spiritual Formation, James, Romans, Major Prophets and Advanced Homiletics. Others are still ongoing.
Evangelism remains a critical component at BVBIZ. Each students participates in evangelism as part of training. We can report on the following
Besides field programs, weekend preaching and holiday preaching, one week campaigns have been on high demand from several congregations in the country. Unfortunately, the school has not been able to satisfy this demand. This year alone, BVBIZ went to Buhera, Gokwe, Chivi, Zvishavane and in July it will be at Chisumbanje. Two congregations were subsequently established at Buhera and at Chivi near Mashava. The BVBIZ team (both students and teachers) joined hands with other experienced preachers who included Brothers Madyira (snr), Kufa, Madamombe, Kasimu and Chauke. Great appreciation to the Zvishavane congregation for providing food to the team. Zvishavane is one of the difficult areas to work in but the seed was sown. 2 souls accepted Christ whilst a great burden was left on the resident preacher, Tinashe Moyana to make follow ups.
Students on the parallel program entered the second month of their practicum. The full time class will start its on the 16th of July. This is an integral part of training at BVBIZ. The next report shall focus more on events that will be transpiring in the field. However, this month we include a report from one of the students in the field. Please find it at the end of this report.
BVBIZ was blessed to have Jerry Bates from the 25th to the 30th of June. He taught the book of James during his stay. Students were left at another level. Students were also blessed by his presence, as he had to share the hostel with them. Through him, BVBIZ has been a major center for the distribution of World Evangelism books to preachers, congregations and prisons in need of them. Students have also been using the books in their practicums. On the 29th of June, Jerry was also privileged to visit Hwahwa prison where he gave an encouraging sermon to the inmates. The prison authorities were excited with the visit as well.
Preparation for a layers project sponsored by Healing Hands International (HHI) moved to another stage in June with the partial completion of the fowl run. The structure 25m x 3.2 The point of lay hens numbering 250, are expected to arrive in August. BVBIZ remains grateful to HHI for this gesture after having sponsored the construction of a greenhouse and purchase of two by 500 litre extra water tanks.
As an organization, certain challenges creep in which directly affects operations. One such example is that of power. The school’s solar system is currently unable to sustain the school. It is currently overwhelmed. It usually goes off between 8pm -10pm depending on the weather conditions during the day. This is heavily affecting students as they usually make use of the evenings to do assignments and general reading. This issue has become an urgent need within the school. To mitigate against this challenge, we are exploring possibilities.
BVBIZ continues to appreciate many, far and wide, who keep on partnering the school one way or another. Your efforts are not and have not been in vain, as graduates continue to be channeled into the society whilst those in school have been transforming communities through the Word. May God to continue to bless you as you continue to partner with the school in its effort to train many people for the cause of Christ. God bless!