May all glory and honour be ascribed unto God Almighty for His grace and mercy towards all of us at Agege Centre during the second quarter of the year 2023. We glorify the name of the Lord for giving us the required enablement to carry out all our activities and programmes as scheduled and in line with the Bearvalley Bible Institute laid down rules and standard.
All class were carried out and completed as scheduled and as required by the Bearvalley Bible Institute in the quarter under review.
Three courses were successfully completed during the quarter in the following order:
1. The book of I Corinthians was taught by Brother Gbenga Ilori in the month of April.
2. In the month of May, Brother Suleiman Yusuf taught the course – How we got Our Bible.
3. The quarter rounded off with Hermeneutics, which was taught by Brother Etim Mfon. To God be all the glory that the courses were completed in line with the required procedure, with tests, assignment and examination completed at the end of each month.
The centre continued to evangelise Aboru, a town in Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State in an attempt to support and strengthen the newly planted church (congregation) in the area. We however, need prayers of all of us so that the gospel will penetrate the area as the area is highly populated by Muslims which has made it more difficult to preach there. We believe that with prayers and hard work, we will very soon start having positive results, to the glory of God.
One thing very obvious is that without the efforts and supports of our sponsors and directors, the programme would witness set-back and may not operate successfully. We therefore appreciate the efforts of our sponsors and directors, especially Brother Keith Kasarjian who has made it a point of responsibility to visit on regular basis to ascertain the progress and challenges we face and give suggestions on how to improve on our activities. He made such visit this quarter, precisely in the month of May.
May God continue to bless all of you. We also appreciate the support of Chad Wagner on his relentless efforts to keep the programme going, as well as every other supporters and sponsors of the programme; may God Almighty continue to bless you in your endeavours to expand His kingdom on earth.
We owe God all the gratitude for adding more students to our centre. We started the quarter with ten (10) students, but by the grace of God, we ended the quarter with fifteen (15) students. Our prayer is that God should continue to increase the number of students more so, those who truly desire to learn and preach the word of God (the gospel of Christ’s death and resurrection), in order to expand the kingdom of Christ on earth and prepare the world populace for eternal life in heaven.
We once again appreciate the blessings of God Almighty and the support of our directors and sponsors which has enabled our centre to thrive in our programmes and activities. Our prayer is, May God almighty continue to empower and enable all of us to relentlessly continue to contribute our parts in training dedicated men and women who desire to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Emmanuel Chukwuka Odo
Bear Valley Bible Institute Agege Study centre
Lagos State, Nigeria