Reporting Letter for the month of May-2023
To all prayer partners of BVBI, greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may serve us to find you all good health. We thank you so much for your continual prayers for the smooth function of BVBI-Extension centre at Tirupati, A.P, India. We are happy to a share brief report for the month of May-2023.
The Month of May Summer in India: Sun heat is so high during May in India. The old people tell us that they never experienced this kind of hot temperature previously like the summer season during this year 2023. But God is kind enough to protect us.
Gospel meetings at Karnoon disctir, A.P; The summer is a suitable season for evening gospel meetings. Our BVBI student Mr.Yovel and his wife Mrs.Sujanthan, along with another student Mr.Yuvaraj and his wife Mrs.Swapna are from karnool district in A.P , state. It is about 500 miles away from Tirupati. They conducted 3 days of gospel meetings on May 8, 9, and 10 at their village. We had more than 250 people gathering for the night meetings, and during the daytime, we had Bible studies. We are happy to share with you that more than 150 people were in attendance for the Bible class.
Gospel meetings at Vidyanagar, Nellore disctir, A.P;- We conducted two days of gospel meetings at Vidyanagar on May 12th and 13th. We had more than 200 people in attendance for the meeting.
Baptisms:- By the grace of God 17 souls were baptized in the month of May. We request you to pray for the new souls so that they grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.
Bible studies for the village people:- Our BVBI students have started group Bible studies at 15 places. They are teaching wonderful lessons for the spiritual growth of the people.
Campaigning :- we conducted campaigning at Poolathota village on May 18th, and encouraged the village congregation in that village.
Audio Bibles distribution campaigning for the blind people:- We have conducted bible camp for the visually challenged people and distributed audio Bibles for 50 people at Nellore
My west Godavari district Travel:- Myself and a previous BVBI student, Mr.John Wesly, travelled by train from Tiripati to Narasapur. We conducted 3 meetings in the Narasapur area. We visited some of our BVBI students and encouraged them.
New batch for 2023:- All the Indian schools will be reopen from June 12th onwards, we would like to open our school the second week of June 2023.
Skill Training: After the completion of 2 years training our students need a livelihood to sustain and preach the gospel as many of them come from poor family backgrounds. Therefore today our faculty members and myself consulted with a nearby skill training center. They would provide part-time skill development courses to our students during their leisure time and weekend days to establish dairy farms, sheep farms, poultry farms, piggery farms etc.. to improve their livelihood . We would like to encourage our students to have self-employment and do the evangelism in India after completion of Bible training at BVBI.
We are thankful to our director and coordinator for their love, sacrifice, and commitment to establish BVBI extension centre at Tirupati, A.P, India. We are ever grateful to them for their hard work and and all your encouragement. We request you to pray continually for BVBI extension centre at Tirupati, A.P, India.
Thanking you.
Yours brother and sister in Christ.