Dear Brethren,
We salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Here is the report of activity for April 2023 of Bear Valley Bible Institute of Gueckedou, Guinea.
We are pleased to report to our donors all the activities carried out once again in anoher month, April which contributed to the blossoming of God's work in Gueckedou as well as in other areas of Guinea. See details of these under the subheadings that follow.
I-Teaching/ Class room:
It should be expected that there was no classroom teaching for the students in the regular two-year program during the month under review. This is because as indicated in our last report the students were on an evangelistic campaign which was followed by a 3 weeks break period.
Il-Evangelism campaign
The first five days of the month were devoted to evangelism which was commenced in the previous month, but we were confronted with social constraints at the village of Yende Bawa where the Lord's Church is rapidly and amazing growing.
Nevertheless some other efforts were applied and the result of the different evangelistic sessions came up to 10 persons baptized for the remission of sins.
III-Radio program
The preaching team now led by brother Saa Robert KAMANO is still engagaged in a hard work to realize the broadcasting of the programs on the waves of 104.1 in frequency modulation. For this month, due to the demand of the listeners, the theme developed was on "the qualities of a good woman" and it has gone on well.
IV-Rapid Training
Here is another strategy that contributes to the growth of servants or church leaders and the multiplication of local congregations for which they are trained.
After realizing success of the first experiment last January, another team of 13 people were trained during the last two weeks of April 2023. This again is in the hope of planting new congregations where the trained leaders can serve and to strengthen older congregations.
The first result of this second batch of training was the obedience to the gospel of 2 persons who were yet unconverted among them.
It is also worth mentioning the presence of two brothers, Pokpa Kalivogui and Desire Sakouvogui from the city of Macenta through whom we will explore a new area.
The city center of Macenta and the village of Gbolonin are the two places at the top of the list for Evangelism that must follow the rapid training of churches leaders just completed .
Through this report we wish to convey to you the sentiments of satisfaction of the congregations receiving assistance for the construction of worship halls. There is a great amount of appreciation for this offer. We also appreciate this individual or persons for not differentiating between the Christians as God intended and reported by Paul in Galatians 3:27-28.
For besides the congregations established by Bear Valley, other congregations across the country also benefit from this assistance in the construction and rental cost of buildings to worship our Lord like Kissidougou and Dabola.
Attached are photos of some of the buildings that are covered and others that are in the process of being built.
VI-Personal Profile.
In this section we present our brother in Christ Saa Robert KAMANO.
He is 70 years old. He spent 28 years in the Protestant church also serving as treasurer, before being converted to the Church of Christ in 2010 after attending correspondence courses conducted by Brother Francis Musa.
Although he is advanced in age, he had enrolled and followed the training at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Gueckedou from 2018-2020. With the love of saving lost souls and extending the kingdom of God, he established a congregation in Dento with the support of the Institute before the end of his training.
Because of his comprehension of the doctrine, dedication and ability, he was retained as a temporary teacher at the Institute .
He also leads the preaching team on the radio.
May God grant him more healthy days to do his work.
VII-Suggestions and Recommendations
We ask all our donors, brothers and sisters from all parts of the world to pray for the unity of evangelists and members of the congregations in Guinea.
We thank God for all the good works we are doing under his control for the progress of the church in Guinea.
We thank Bear Valley International in general for their unconditional support and in particular our coordinator Steven Ashcraft for his good management in boosting God's work in Guinea.
Great thank for the person who support financialy the building of the worships halls.
We also thank Ken for his financial support of the radio program and all those who support God's work in Guinea.
May God bless us all in the Lord