The month of April was a busy month at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zimbabwe. Students were on break for just two weeks but activities continued both on and off campus. The school continues to make a difference in both the church and within the student body. These activities are reported hereunder.
The school began its new term on the 24th of April. The following subjects are going to be under consideration; James, Romans, Church Growth, Christian Spiritual Formation, Major Prophets, Greek, Advanced Homiletics, Church Leadership and Church History. To enhance life survival skills on both the following seminars shall take place; Goat production, poultry production, sustainable gardens and Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation. On the practicum side at least two campaigns shall take place.
The school’s part time program is progressing well. This program takes longer than the ordinary full time program. It has 10 students and we can report on the following. Classes are held during weekends whilst each holiday students camp at Gweru campus.
Students were in Gweru for their April block. The following subjects were under consideration Research Methods, Personal Work, James, Homiletics, Prison Epistles, Galatians, Wisdom literature and How We Got the Bible. Some of the subjects are still ongoing. The guest teacher was Lovemore Manyanhaire who came to guide students through personal work theory and practical. Students did their presentations and began their practical by going around the Plasworth area spreading the Word.
From 1 May until graduation in late 2024, these students will be undertaking their practicum in different congregations. Reports of their efforts will be included in the subsequent reports. The practicum will run for 18 months minimum. The following is the list of students and their attached areas;
Nhamo Mandebvu Whitecliff
Nyevero Muhura Kadoma
Fadzai Kufa Nashville
Witness Masarakufa Matove
Wilbert Manyati Concession
Maxwell Nyahuye Bindura
Rigason Nyakayaramba Bakasa
Benny Billiat Snr Mutorashanga
Benny Billiat Jnr Mutorashanga
Sharing the News of Bear Valley Bible Institute
The school has been slowly putting in place an advertisement wing, with its participants working on voluntary bases. This wing works alongside the Ambassadors wing to disseminate information and aiding in the school’s recruitment efforts. Their presence was felt at the Southern Africa International Lectureship which took place in Bulawayo between the 7th and 9th of April. Presentations have so far been done in Midlands, Masvingo, Mashonaland West and Makoni district.
The Midlands Gospel Meeting took place in Gokwe from the 28th -30th of April. Preachers in Midlands had organized that there be an advance team to evangelize and prepare the area for the meeting. The BVBIZ team was there on ground as well. The campaign approach has been an enabler in helping students gain evangelism intelligence. Tapiwa Madamombe and Ovious Kufa, graduates of BVBIZ have consistently been active forces within this team. Batsirai Tengulachepa (2021 graduate) joined the school as well in Gokwe (25-28 April). The effort saw 12 baptisms taking place. The preachers are highly grateful to Brother Gideon Madyira, the preacher at Gokwe and the congregation for taking care of the team and hosting the lectureship. The Gospel Meeting left attendees spiritually fulfilled. The theme was “Content for the faith-Jude 3.” Three students preached whilst some were active one way or another.
John Reese, the former World Bible School president visited the school on the 12th of April. This was his first ever visit. He had time of meeting with our part time students who were on ground undertaking their studies. The visit ended with him planting an orange tree whilst the students did the same as well. BVBIZ values these visits.
The school continues to trace the whereabouts of our graduates. This month we carry a brief report concerning Tomson and Victoria Mlawuzi (both 2018 graduates of BVBIZ). Please see their story at the end of this report.
As highlighted above, the month of April was a busy one at BVBIZ. Classes were held, evangelism done, sermons preached, visits made among other notables. May God continue to bless every one of you for playing your part in advancing the cause of Jesus. To God be the glory!
I am are proud to share my story starting from 2016 when grace found me. God works wonders starting from the day one when I enrolled at Bear Valley Bible Institute to start my course together with my wife Victoria. The journey was not easy but by God's grace and the support of the BVBIZ staff I am who I am today. I am a father of two and a minister of the gospel working with Hatcliffe church of Christ in Harare North.
After we graduated, God linked us to Kelvin Mhindirira and his wife where Kelvin was preaching at Hatcliff. I worked uner Brother Mhindirira as the junior preacher for six months. After that Kelvin moved to Domboshava to start a new work and left us at Hatcliffe. Hatcliffe church of Christ is a small congregation with a membership of 36 adults excluding children.
Besides being a preacher, I work as a translator for World Evangelism publications. My task is to translate the books and tracts into the Shina language. I saw this need when I was a student at BVBIZ while doing my field attachment in the rural areas of Julena and Gokwe. I and my wife used to move around with English tracts and books which were donated from well wishers from abroad. During our door-to-door evangelism most of the prospects requested Shona materials for further studies which were easy for their understanding. So after graduation I did not forget the importance of having materials in our native language. Currently I have translated 17 Tracts into PDF and 10 books. My target is to reach all corners of Zimbabwe with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Books translated so far are:
1. The Church of the Bible
2. New Testament Worship
3. The Gospel of Christ
4. Quran Unveiled
5. Scriptural Organisation of the churches of Christ
6. Why We Believe What We Believe Volume 1 & 2
7. Jesus Christ Internal Sacrifice
8. Role of Women
9. Spiritual Summarised
10. Questions About Doctrine of Mormon