Reporting Letter for the month of April-2023
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you well. We take this opportunity to share our April-2023 Report.
Students:- By the grace of God all the students from BVBI-Tirupati, A.P , India have done a wonderful job in completing their course. We conducted our graduation ceremony on April 1st, 2023. . We share with you that all the students have moved to different places to spread the word of God ( 2 Timothy 2:2). We request you to pray for the students so that they may continue to sow the seed of God in the hearts of unsaved people.
New Batch:- We humbly inform you that in the month of June a new batch will begin their studies. BVBI has been permitted to recruit 20 students. We request your prayers for the new batch of students.
Teaching faculty:- We appreciate our hard working teaching faculty for their hardship in using their time and energy to complete their syllabus which has been prescribed by BVBI. They have taken responsibility to guide and encourage the students as they have gone into the battlefields to win lost souls .
Conversions:- In the month of April 5 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. We request you to pray for these new souls so that they may grow in the image of His Son Jesus Christ.
Campaigning:- In the month of April we conducted a campaign at Aruru-Village on April 12th. It is 100 miles away from the BVBI-Tirupati. We are happy to report that students and staff (about 30 people) visited this village and proclaimed the word of God. We had more than 250 people in attendance for the meeting.
Street meeting:- We conducted a street meeting at Kotara-Village on the evening of April 7th. The entire village people was able to hear the gospel.
Benevolence:- Our BVBI students and staff were involved in the distribution of clothes to 30 widows who live in rural areas.
Gospel meetings :- In India there is hot summer in the month of May, but is the most comfortable month for evening gospel meetings . One of our students Mr.Yovel and his wife sister Sujatha invited BVBI staff and students for the gospel meetings at their native place on 8th ,9th and 10th ( at Karnool district which is 450KM away from Tirupati.) We request your prayers for the travel and meetings. Another gospel meeting, Lord willing, BVBI staff and students may join for the success of the gospel meeting which will be held on May 12th and 13 th by our local church.
BVBI participation at Funeral service :- Last Sunday after the service BVBI students and staff were able to participate at a funeral service at Poolthota-village and comfort the family members.
Youth meetings:- Lord willing on May 9th day time and 10th day time BVBI is planning to conduct a 2 day youth camp at Karnool district. We request your prayers.
We are ever grateful to you for the establishment of BVBI extension centre at Tirupati, A.P, India which is the best platform to train the young people in India. We express our gratitude and thanks to you and all the prayer partners. We request your continual prayers.
Thanking you.
Yours brother in Christ.
B.Vijaya Kumar