Evangelism producing results in Kenya

Dear brethren

This is to let you know that we have closed for March holidays till we will resume classes in April. This marks the end of second quarter of first year of the sixth in take students.

We still maintain the 20 students as we selected. Almost all the students are very good and active in class work with exception of one.

This time, we have had one American short course teacher - Dr. Mike Reese and three African teachers - Charles, Paul and Elias.

The number of courses had been 7: Godhead, Christian Evidences, the Gospel according to Matthew, Introduction to Hermeneutics, Pentateuch II, Homiletics II (Expository Preaching) and Writing skills (English II).

The students had done a tremendous job both in their home local congregations and at Tieng're - the congregation near the school. During weekends, they would help evangelize the lost, teach in youth meetings conducted by local churches, edify the saved and participate in all church services. 

This has resulted in 33  baptisms and restoration of 17 individual backsliders.

One of these current students went back to his community and on his evangelistic efforts, found and helped a preacher of the gospel who had planted two congregations but had insisted that those churches be called churches of God in Christ. Richard showed him from Scriptures that there is no difference between the church of God in Christ and the church of Christ as long as the doctrine of Christ is followed. He even added him other biblical names by which the believers are called ( the temple, household of faith, the bride, Christians, vineyard of the Lord and on and on). Good news is that the man took Richard to these congregations to help them correct few of the things not in line with the doctrine of Christ and in that fashion, Richard helped to restore two whole congregations to worship according to the New Testament pattern. 

Below are photos of Kenya School of Preaching students and their teachers in uniform- including Mike Reese, and baptismal photos by students. We pray that they continue with the same zeal and love of the lost during this March holiday. Thanks to all people who work hard to see that these preachers be trained here at KSOP- God bless you!

In His service, 

Elias Omollo.

Posted on May 4, 2023 .