February 2023 was a very active month for us in Bear Valley Institute of Biblical Studies, Tamale, both within the school and externally. Indeed, it is a month that must be accounted for.
We had one soul added to the Lord’s church in the Kpalsi South congregation to God’s glory. The church is growing gradually in all areas of it by the grace of God.
Also in the month of February, one soul was added to the Lord’s church in Kpalsi South congregation. We praise the Lord for the conversion.
On the 30th of January, 2023; the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies (TIBS) in Collaboration with the Southern Institute of Biblical Studies (SIBS), embarked on a one-week evangelistic campaign to Tanchara Susu under the Lawra district in the Upper West Region of Ghana. We left Tamale around 10:00am of the 30th of January, and arrived at Tanchara Susu around 9:30pm of same 30th. It was late for any activity to take place, so we rested.
Work started on the morning of the 31st. We started with morning devotion, breakfast, and then divided ourselves into groups and went out for the door to door studies. We return for lunch around 12pm and went back till around 4:45pm.
A movie on the passion of Christ was showed around 6:00pm to 8:00pm, followed by the public preaching. Preacher Thomas Donzie Preached on “sin and it’s punishment.”
We continued with same plan on the 1st of February, 2023 with Brother Ebenezer Amoasi giving the evening sermon on God’s Plan of Salvation. On the 2nd, same plan was followed with Brother John Acquah teaching on the Church in the evening public preaching. The same plan was followed on the 3rd with Brother Abraham Bambale speaking on Worship of the Church. Brother Silas Adjei preached on the 4th of February, 2023 in the public preaching after the door to door studies in morning movie in the evening on God’s Judgement. All the brethren who spoke, we excellent on point and were clear with their messages. The programme was indeed great and profitable us who participated on it. We also had a good number of baptisms. Among these souls was youth dominance. We had young men who are capable of working for Lord if properly trained. We had two (2) baptisms on the first day, seven (7) on the second day, one (1) on the third day, 8 on the fourth day and 5 on the 5th day. This gave us a total number of 23 souls. Three (3) souls were also restored respectively. Worship on the first day of the week was a spirit filled one.
Brother Snell Kwesi Owusu Odame stayed backed to care for the congregation under our mission minded preachers plan. We thank God for the great grace released upon us all to fulfill His command given to us His followers in the gospels.
We returned back from Tanchara Susu to continue with our academic activities with the new batch of student smoothly. Upon returning, Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi, the Coordinator, was already in to take the students through the Cost of Discipleship. Brother Albert Tamanja Malir took them through How We Got The Bible after Brother Kojo, followed by Personal Evangelism one by Brother James Forkuor, Scheme of Redemption by Director Adjei Mensah and Research and Writing by Brother James Bisong Legend. These courses, coupled with Hermeneutics one which was treated in the month of January were the courses taught in the first Quarter for this batch of students.
Brother Kojo’s visit was very essential and fruitful as he taught the Course of Discipleship as well as dealt with other issues too. He had a meeting with the staff to encourage us and also discuss some of the pertinent issues necessary for the development of the school with us. As is his culture, he went round the whole compound and the garden to visit all the trees and flowers and also correct some wrongs around the compound. We were edified having him with us in the month of February.
We thank the Lord for the month of February, 2023.
Thank you sirs,
Bear Valley, Tamale.