Dear Brethren in Christ,
Greetings from Bikkavolu Bible College. By the grace of God everything is going good with our school. As this quarter is coming to an end our students are getting ready for the exams, which are scheduled to be in the last week of this month.
We are getting ready for a one week short course to be taught by brother Mark Reynolds at Bikkavolu. We are hoping to join students from both the schools for this class. We are looking forward for brother Mark’s visit. Right now brother Irven Skinner from Duffee church of Christ, MS is visiting with us, he spent couple of day teaching Epistle to Titus to the students of the School.
We are happy to share some of the pictures showing our students in the outreach ministry. We are happy to see some of our students are very forward in using the every opportunity to build up a local congregation. Brother Syam, who will be graduating this July has begun working with a small group studying the word and conducting worship services. Last three pictures showing our faculty attending this gospel, meeting to strengthen brother Syam’s efforts in his home town. There are two more students that are working down this direction for which we feel very happy.
We are encouraging the students who are finishing the school to do this way, so that they would be ready to work in full capacity once they finish the school at Bikkavolu Bible College. We are hoping to have the first BBC lectureship in the month of July’23 during 5,6,7 and on the 7th we shall have the graduation ceremony. We are very excited about this.
We are so thankful to God for blessing our efforts in training men who are faithful and would be able to take/share the gospel with others. Establishing congregations is our ultimate goal by sending these faithful men in to the real world ministry.
We are thankful to the brethren that are behind this wonderful Lord’s work. We thank so much for your prayers and support. God bless you all.
In Christ,
John Dean M
For Bikkavolu Bible College