To you all, our supporters and those of you with interest to read and follow our updates, we send you warmest salutations in Christ's name. It is time once again for another monthly report of activities at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute and we are glad to announce that since the beginning of the school in 2018, the month of February 2023, as you will see, has proven to be the most productive month in terms of conversions. We encourage you to keep reading as we unfold the various points of this report which you will certainly find interesting and pleasant.
I- Classroom/ Teaching :
In all Bear Valley Extension Schools across the world, certainly the major activity of every working day of the month in the classroom is devoted to teaching. Those working days of the month of February 2023 were no exception at the Gueckedou school. There were 4 different courses by 4 different instructors in accordance to the schedule and therefore executed as follows:
1-Hermeneutics 2 by Antoine Fassa TOLNO
2- Acts of the Apostles, by Emmanuel KAMANO
3 Gospel according to Mark, by Niouma 2 Kamano
4 How we got the Bible? by Fara François Tenguiano.
Each instructor completed his course by especially a written evaluation and the students output was satisfactory.
II- Evangelism:
If there is more joy in heaven for one sinner who has repented than for 99 righteous persons needing no repentance, then there was exceedingly greater joy in heaven for the month of February 2023. This is simply, but notably because the month of February has climbed to the top of all other months in terms of conversions since 2018 when the Gueckedou Bear Valley school started. There were in all 3 new congregations planted totaling 102 persons who heard and obeyed the gospel as a result of various efforts of the different evangelistic activities. The 3 new congregations were established in the villages of N'Wokouma,Yende-bawa and N'Diafassou each with her initial or first day's conversion figure of 15, 30 and 37 who decided to repent and accept Christ respectively.
No doubt the above result is the fruit of God's support through the Holy Spirit, the technical planning, managerial and financial support of our tireless Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft. The planning included the combination of both the lnstitute's preaching efforts and that of one of the evangelical teams being set up in the country.
III- Construction
It is true that spiritually, the Church is an assembly of believers and not a building, but humanly, in the eyes of the world, the value of the Church is greatly associated in the quality of its place of worship. So having houses of worship has an impact on the lives of people like the apostle Thomas whose faith was based on sight. By this we wish to announce that the donors who finance the construction of worship halls which indeed is a paramount need are doing an excellent work for the progress of the Church in Gueckedou and in Guinea as a whole. For the month of February 2023, 3 Congregations (Dento, Fassaba and
Ledoumboulo) have reached the roofing level and 3 others (Fouedou, Dakadou and Köloadou) have started with the foundation work.
IV- Personal profile
We would like to introduce you to Saa Many Koundouno, a graduate of the 2nd class of the Bear Valley school in Gueckedou. Before his conversion, he had an advanced life in juvenile delinquency. But when the time was fulfilled, he obeyed the Gospel and immediately manifested the desire to probe the Scriptures. Thus he was admitted at the Institute in Gueckedou in 2020. One month before the end of his training, he asked to go and start his ministry in his native village in Koindou KLB (Kondou Lengobengou). It was then when the school evangelism campaign was invited so that the church was planted in his home town of Koindou KLB. Motivated and zealous, he continues to explore new places to plant congregations like the Yende Bawa congregation. Best of all in his efforts to improve his spiritual life, we are receiving a good testimony from the people in and outside the church.
V- Other information
We wish to mention the visit of our Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft to Gueckedou during which period we had the opportunity to discuss about the perspectives of promoting the Lord's work in the next 10 years. Then, we planned evangelism activities and other things that can also contribute to the progress of the work in Guinea.
In view of all the above-mentioned success in our various activities, we first of all thank God for the good health and the Holy Spirit that strengthens us; The Bear Valley International Institute for their uncountable financial and material support for the progress of God's work in Gueckedou and in Guinea.
We also thank our able donors, who finance the construction of worship halls in Gueckedou.
We say thank you and again thank you to our Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft for his sacrifice of being ready day and night to help us in any way he can.
Finally, we thank Ken and Barry, as well as all other brethren who contribute to the growth of the Church of Christ in Guinea.
May God's peace and grace accompany us all.
Niouma 2 Kamano