Dearest in Christ,
Calvary greetings from Cameroon and precisely from Wotutu. We are doing better, and we give thanks to God. The church is healthy, and all of the ministries going on here are rolling on well. God is still leading the way.
Last week in Bear Valley Bible Institute was good as our students were busy writing their first exams in Bible College. All went well. We give glory to God for making it possible for them to have a taste of what it means to be trained to become a servant of God in the 21st century. Keep our daily efforts in your prayers.
After final exams, it was time to travel to different locations for mission work. Some students are going far with tracts, a life straw water bottle with aqua tabs, and mosquito nets. Our students went to different regions in Cameroon for the sake of the gospel. Some will be passing through dangerous communities because of the crisis in Cameroon.
Thank you very much for all your prayers and for your time and timely support towards all the work that is going on here. God is watching and will definitely reward you in due season. Please share our reports with others.
Thank you very much.
We wish you a great day and a great time.
Elangwe and family