December 2022 Report
Classes ended and the teachers were pleased with their work. In general, the students committed themselves throughout the course. They have met all the requirements imposed by the school. All the teachers tried to lead their students and emphasized the practical side of each course. They were instructed on the need to know your course for yourself, to adapt your audience, the practical side. Each student took an exam; memorization work, writing a small thesis on the subjects given by the teachers and finally writing a final exam.
Three Fridays are the last ones that the students went to evangelization in the neighborhood where the school is located and the success was noticed by two baptisms. A woman who came to sell condiments at the center and her daughter.
This month ended with 5 baptized, three in the first three weeks and two more in the last weeks by the students who stayed at the center. The students did many wonders in the area of saving souls during the public evangelistic campaigns, in the visits to the churches, evangelism on Fridays and other personal studies with various people in various localities.
Saturday classes:
The part-time students continue to follow the courses according to the program of each locality, and the new students integrate the classes each time they arrive from the denominations. In addition to the 6 places where the part-time courses are done, there are other places like: Danyi, Amakpapé, Notse, Kpele-Ele, Kati, Iwouna Be, Amlame, Heheatro, all these cities and some villages are our targets for new church planting in this year 2023. The part-time students are an advantage for us to start an assembly with the members of the denominations converted into the church of Christ. We have already registered more than 10 students in each new location.
With our advertising posters, we manage to reach a large number of people who call us for information and at the same time many register for part-time training.
Students were released on December 20, 2022 and will return in April for orientation. To resume with the next graduating class, enrollment continues through interview day on February 10 and the start of classes on February 13, 2023.
Research and Writing Syllabus Bear Valley
For this new program in the training system that as with this class of 2023-2025, we have solicited a teacher from a higher education school who has agreed to train us as a full-time and part-time teacher for one week from February 6 to 10, 2023.
We give glory to God since the beginning of this training for the two years, and as a result of all done during his years, we have not lacked support for anything, an addition of part-time schools, have found all their satisfaction. We hope in the future days, to have a land for our school and other things in view of more wandering from house to house.
The Lord's Supper
A sister from the church of Christ in HANINGBA who has the ability to make the Lord's Supper was invited to teach the students how to make it. She came to the centre with wheat flour, which she kneaded and made into dough. From this dough, breads were made by putting this dough on the gas. It was a wonderful experience because they were used to learning how to make bread when it was ready, now each student is able to make bread for the Lord's Supper. The sister's name is Mrs ALUKA Agnès.
Computer Science
Our student evangelists are computer literate. They do research on the sites thanks to this training and the internet connection that the school has.