Cambodian brethren baptize twelve

We send our greetings to you all brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ! We give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare opportunity to work in His Kingdom. This is another good time to report what is happening at IBISR’s school Siem Reap Cambodia during the month of January 2023. We really want to thank you for taking the time to read this report and look at these recent photos.

IBISR’s Academy :

Now we are continuing to train our students in the books of 1, 2 Kings and 1, 2 Chronicles as well as the Prison Epistles. Darat Run and myself (Piseth Rin) are the teachers of those classes. Our students are very happy and satisfied with their studies in those subjects.

Adding to the Family!

It was with much happiness that we saw 12 souls put on Christ in baptism. It is always such a joy to see souls added to our family. All of them are from Sombuo village. Please pray for these new babies in Christ so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.


We attended a joint seminar at Battambang church of Christ. Our students and staff enjoy staying with the topic (Gospel chariot Missions). Over 60 members attended church in Battambang province. It is very good to have our faith strengthened and to know more about God’s will.


A man named Makara who used to be an IBISR student and he graduated about 5 years ago, walked away from the gospel for many years, but now he comes back to worship God with us every Sunday! And he also taught his wife named Nich to become a Christian. We rejoice in their returning to the Lord and living faithfully.


Without your prayers and care, we can’t do these things. Please keep Darat’s sister, who plans to do an operation soon. And also remember our new brothers and sisters in Christ who were recently baptized.  

Piseth Rin and Darat Run

Co-Directors IBISR.

Posted on February 9, 2023 .