Eager to Serve
The students set off on a campaign to talk to as many people as they could about Jesus. They offered Bible studies and looked for those who had fallen away. In one week, about 210 conversations happened.
One lady chose to put on Christ in baptism after learning what the Bible says about how to be saved. Two other women committed to returning to the church after having fallen away due to marrying outside of the church and following their husbands to other religions or merely staying home.
Each day two student families remained on campus to be responsible for the children. Several children were too young to be in school but no longer dependent upon their moms for food while others returned home around noon. Parents cooked lunch and supplied snacks for their own children in advance.
The students gained momentum daily being motivated by people who were willing to obey God’s will for their lives. There is much follow-up work to be done, but the new church plant is now well-known in five surrounding villages thanks to the spreading of the word by the student body.
Serving Each Other
One of the students suffered polio which left him no longer able to walk. He moves from place to place either by walking on his hands or by wheelchair.
The other students have rallied around him to be sure he can get where he needs to go. If he leaves the campus, someone always accompanies him whether to the church building or on errands.
In turn, he also serves others. When his neighbor was ill during the night, he was the one who sounded the alert. He woke up another student and the resident staff member so that we could also be called to assist with an ambulance run to the hospital.
Prayer Requests
It is not easy to commit 100% to the Lord, but the student families are doing exactly that. They have left houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, and farms for the sake of Jesus. Their dedication will reap much more than what they have left behind and, most importantly, eternal life (Matthew 19:29).
One student lost his brother after a long illness. It was this brother who was caring for his field and home while he was away. The student has returned to class and is currently on break tending to the needs of his extended family.
We just received news that a student wife has lost her mom since leaving for break. The loss has brought her family back to the region of Malawi where the school is located so we are hopeful for her return with the rest of the students on Saturday.
Please continue to keep this work in your prayers.
Dale Kastner