Greetings from Bear Valley of Gueckedou, Guinea.
Please see below our report of activity for November 2023
We pleased to update you on all the activities we carried out during the month of November 2023. The result is satisfactory, as you will see from the rest of the report, which is divided into eight parts.
Please read with interest and favor so that we share the same sense of satisfaction.
I-Teaching Class room.
Day after day we follow the program of teaching the Scriptures established for inspiration, instruction, edification and correction, so that our students may be accomplished and fit for every good work.
During the past month we taught the following courses:
1 Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians, whose teaching began at the end of October
2 Christian leadership
3 The Epistle to the Hebrews.
II- Evangelism
The gospel has always been a power endowed by God for the salvation of people of all nations. That's why Jesus sent us to proclaim the good new and baptize those who believe. In fact, we went to Kokossou to announce the gospel with the evangelism team of Tekoulo, made up of Bear Valley graduates. Glory be to God, 14 men and women believed and were baptized, which means that the church of Christ is now in this village.
Door-to-door and personal evangelism also bore fruit in Fassaba, for 3 young accepted Jesus as their Savior and were baptized by their evangelist Eloi Tolno.
We should also mention the following baptisms: 2 in Kendessoua by Alain Mano one of the current students, 1 in N'Dendessou and 2 in Yende Bawa.
III- Rapid Training of Churches Leaders.
This method is also effective for multiplying disciples and churches leaders.
From November 20 to 30, 2023, we trained 14 people, 7 of them came from the denominations. After two days of teaching, the 6 people from the denominations understood the saving truth and immediately decided to convert. We baptized them in the name of Jesus to become simply Christians. It should also be noted that 4 of them expressed a desire to follow the two-year training program of Bear Valley for the next class.
IV- Graduation and Evangelism Team Meeting
In the interest of advancing God's work in Guinea, our Coordinator Steven Ashcraft convened a meeting in Koindou,SL on 03/11/2023, all graduates and some current students from Bear Valley of Gueckedou were present to discuss work and plan evangelism activities with the goal of converting many lost souls to Jesus and planting new congregations. We also attended the graduation of students from Sunset Bible College in Koindou.
V-Graduation and Meeting with Keith.
We took part in the graduation ceremony of Bear Valley students from Kenema on 16 to 18/11/2023. This gave us the opportunity to meet for the first time Keith Kasarjian Extension Director of Bear Valley International , who after our introduction and briefing on the school's progress in Guinea congratulated us and encouraged us further to continue the work with the same vision of having many harvesters for God's field.
VI-Work Equipment...
We're delighted with the acquisition of an electronic library initiated by our Coordinator Steven Ashcraft. During his last working visit at the beginning of November, he show us how to use it and he also gave us 3 computers and their connection accessories. As soon as he returned to the USA, he approved our request to pay a battery for the power supply. So please be informed that we had the nucleus of an electronic library which we hope to increase in hardware (computer and accessories).
VII-Black Page
Saa Votala Kamano member of Bouliedou's congregation, one of the students of the last rapid training session on 20/11/2023 mentionned below, died of a short illness. The third day of training, he suffered intense headaches that took his life after three days.
With the assurance given to us by the Scriptures in Revelation 14:13, we believe that our brother Saa is now happy to die in the Lord.
We ask all our backers, brothers and sisters in Christ, to continue support us spiritually, morally, financially and materially. Let us also pray for the family of our brother who pass away, that God may comfort them.
The various evangelism results, with a total of 25 people baptized, show that the dry season is shaping up well.
We thank God and the entire administration of Bear Valley International, for with their help we are becoming productive in the Lord's vineyard.
In particular, we thank Keith Kasarjian and Steven Ashcraft, respectively Extension Director and Coordinator of Bear Valley International, for their love of doing God's work every where in the world, come rain or snow.
We also thank Ken Stanley and Barry Baggott for their support in the progress of the church in Guinea.
We thank every person or group of people, as well as all the congregations that support God's work in Guinea.
May God's grace accompany us all.
We conclude by saying that all the Churches of Christ in Guinea greet you.
Niouma 2 Kamano
Administrative Assistant