November, 2023
We send seasonal greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! It is always a pleasure to have our time of writing this report and we always give honor and glory to God through our master and Savior Jesus Christ who has given us the opportunity to work in His Kingdom.
Going for a holiday
We concluded the month of September and send our students for a holiday. We proudly report that the month was full of Godly activities for the Institute. Our students supplied some very enlightening information regarding contemporary teenage behavior especially on the Copperbelt when they meet many youths as they went for a holiday at our Institute.
They had invited the youth at the Institute premises for a farewell party on the Copperbelt. The youths came from various congregations on the Copperbelt were most of them had spent time preaching. “Keep thyself pure” as Paul told Timothy was the core of their message “abstain from fornication” Jesus said “don’t look on a woman to lust after her in your heart.” The bible is replete with warnings they said; and teens and others who ignore those warnings do so at their own peril. Don’t venture onto forbidden ground where you can’t invite Jesus along they warned. It was a wonderful moment as seen on a picture attached.
The planting season
As our students have gone back to their respective homes earlier to cultivate and plant their field as early as possible. Most of the students are engaged in some kind of farming to take care of their families.
As you may recall, the 2022/2023 rainfall season was characterized by above normal rainfall amounts with extreme weather and climate events. This resulted in reduced crop production, damage to infrastructure, such as road and bridges and indeed, increased incidents of waterborne diseases and agriculture pests.
According to the National Metrological department of Zambia forecast of 2023/2024 rainfall season, the rainfall amounts are likely to be normal to below in most of parts of the country. This is also a great opportunity for our students to interact with their loved one at home after a long period of studies.
We had preached to forty seven (47) people of which six were baptized. And we recorded four restorations. Please pray for Jane Kaonga, Salome Bulanda, Gift Chibuye, Justina Banda, Memory Chileshe and Nathan Chibwe
Three (3) Baptized in D.R .Congo
We have continued to work with Tresor Muyeye and now we are in Lualaba province in the district of Mutshatsha. We recorded three baptisms through a seminar which was held there. Though they requested that we visit and be part of this gospel seminar we did not manage to travel due to limited funds but, we were constantly in touch with the program.
Kennedy Trip to Solwezi
Kennedy Mukuka one of our teachers at the Institute recently traveled to Northwestern province for evangelism and the trip was a success, we recorded two souls added to the sheepfold. We keep on glorifying God for this efforts in His kingdom.
Updates from our former students
We have continued to work with all our former students of which the total number for now stand at twenty seven (27) and we will give more report on the activities in the month of December God willing. All our current students are home safely and working and more news are coming as well for we are constantly in touch with them
Wedding bells
Since graduating from BVBI-Z in 2020, Vincent Simwanza has been working with one of the Preaching schools in Livingstone. And we constantly receive good news about his commitment to the kingdom of God. Vincent will be marrying his sweetheart Beverly at the end of December, 2023 here on the Copperbelt province. Please remember him in your daily prayers!
We believe that the school is on firm ground on its pledge to train faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Without Christian principles, morals and ethics this world is doomed! We continue to give a special thank you to our amazingly supportive family and friends of Bear Valley Bible Institute-International and the Church of Christ at Woodland Oaks in Texas, USA for their financial support. You are always in our prayers!
In His service,
Cephas and Fred