Tamale staff work to convert denominational souls

Another milestone has been reached in the journey of the Bear Valley Institute of Biblical Studies, Tamale in the month of September, 2023. The month of September brought us great memories and encouragement in our efforts to push the agenda of God forward. Indeed, the month of September, 2023 is a memorable month for us in Bear Valley Tamale.


Students were on break in the whole month of September, 2023. This break is in line with our academic arrangement for the year. 


We give glory to God for the successful beginning of the denominational program put in place with the help and collaboration of Brother Steven Ashcraft and the resident staff in Tamale. In our efforts together to go the extra mile to make an impact in our evangelistic work, especially in Tamale town, we all saw the need to come up with a program where we recruit some denominational Church leaders, pastors and members into the school, for a special free lesson, directed towards converting the campus. It is our hope and prayers that we succeed with ours too. Currently, fourteen people have been recruited into the program. They have so far had five meetings.  It is our hope and prayers that conversions take place, some of them could be migrated into our next recruitment for the Diploma Course when they are converted.


One of the major transformational events that took place in the month of September 2023 was the purchase of a bus for the school. Getting a bus for the school has always been a top issue for us as an Institute. We struggle almost all the time we embark on evangelistic journeys. So, getting a bus has always been a great deal of matter before us in our meetings. We give the glory that this dream has been fulfilled successfully, by the help of Brother Steven and that concern for Kingdom Business. A sprinter Bus was purchased in the month of September to aid our work and movements, especially, our evangelistic journeys. We give God the glory for all the individuals who have made any kind of sacrifice to make things easy for all the time, especially, helping us have a bus for our evangelistic work. God bless you all for your great service to God. We also thank Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi for always standing for our interest as an Institute, anytime we are on the right direction. God bless you all.


In the month of September also, Brother Albert stood in for Brother James in a three days seminar hosted under the Zabzugu District by the Jomoni congregation. The seminar brought together four congregations dealing with the issue of True Christian living. Emphasis was placed on the Christian relation to the society and that of the family. Brother Albert Tamanja was the main speaker, and it was a very successful event. He took the opportunity to advertise the school to the participants. We praise God.


As one of our efforts and strategies to keep our youth and children active and ready for the future, the church has programs in the course of the year that give the youth the opportunity to lead in worship. In the month of September, we had a three days program, where lessons directed towards the youth and children were taught. We also gave the youth the opportunity to officiate in worship on the third day, which falls on the first day of the week.

Furthermore, after worship, the children were given the opportunity to play some Biblical drama and recitation of scriptures and books of the Bible. It was a very inspiring moment, as little kids were able to memorize Bible verses and recite Books of the Bible from Genesis to Malachi, and from Matthew to Revelation. Indeed, we believe the future is bright for our congregation in Kpalsi South.


28 years old Dickson Anonzah Akumbila is the person we briefly profiled in the month of September, 2023. He was born on the 4th Day October 1994 in Bolgatanga, in a community called Sumbrungu Amogerebiisi Kunkuam. Brother Dickson is Single, living with his mother and sisters in a house known as Amoah guure yire. He completed S.H.S in 2015, baptized into the church on the 4th day of March 2021 by Brother Jacob Awintoya, preacher for the Sumbrungu Congregation. Having the desire to work for the Lord, he enrolled into the Bear Valley, Tamale preaching school.  He is part of the current 2023/2024 batch.

We thank God for how far He has brought us. Amen.

The Lord blesses us all,

Bear Valley, Tamale.

Posted on November 6, 2023 .