Making adjustments in Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters, as well as the congregations,

We are very grateful for your prayers and your help that you constantly send to our country and the congregations of the Church of Christ.

The winter time is approaching and we are praying that we will have the opportunity to live through the colder time of the year. The warfare continues and, sadly, thousands of people die daily for the ambitions and desires of the handful of people with the power.

The Ministry of the Bear Valley Bible Institute.

In September Jim Sherman taught "Family Life", Terry Harmon taught the course on Homiletics and currently Vladimir Paziy is teaching "How we got the Bible". The studies are taking place on-line and we are trying to adapt to the new realities. In December we plan on starting Masters' program and we already have 6 students.

The Ministry of the Church in Bila Tserkva.

Last Sunday two people were baptized. It's a joyful event for the Church and for the Lord. An elderly couple from Kharkiv region stopped in Bela Tserkva fleeing from the war. During the previous year we helped them out, sent them food and helped in resolving their social problems. Some brothers would take them to the doctors' appointments, helped them make their living place more comfortable. They got attached to the church and experienced our love and care. They started attending the services regularly, studying with us the Word of God. As the result these two babies in Christ got on the way of salvation.  We pray that they will be an example for the group of other refugees who also attend our services regularly. Every Wednesday we keep on distributing the food packages and preaching the Gospel to newly resettled citizens of our city. This is a  good  opportunity to meet people and establish some friendships.

May God keep you safe and take care of you,

Your brother Dennis Sopelnik.

Posted on November 6, 2023 .