Greetings, beloved brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We come before you with hearts filled with gratitude as we acknowledge the blessings bestowed upon us by our Heavenly Father. It is with much joy and excitement that we share with you the notable happenings that took place during the third quarter of our time here at Bear Valley Bible Institute in Ash-town.
Classroom Activities
This quarter, three courses were offered to our students. Emmanuel Larbi taught the Gospel of Luke (Life of Christ 3) and John (Life of Christ 4), while Emmanuel Gyasi- Quansah covered the Book of Acts. These courses attracted 14 students who actively participated in the classes. 21 courses have been taught so far.
Students Profile
Our student profile for this quarter is Brother Isaac Ekow Arthur, born on July 26, 1973, at Winneba. He is currently 50 years old. He is happily married to Sister Janet Addae Arthur, who is also a student at this institution and has five children. He works as a carpenter for a living.
He was baptized into the Lord’s Church in December 1999 at Nsawam Road Church of Christ. He now worships with the Church of Christ, Pious, in Kasoa, where the leadership of the congregation has appointed him to serve as an acting Preacher and will later make him substantive Preacher for the Congregation. Brother Arthur is excited to study at Bear Valley Bible Institute in order to acquire in-depth knowledge of the Word of God and ensure that he is not misleading his listeners.
Gospel Campaign and Church Planting
The director met with the leadership of the Ash town congregation on four Sundays to collaborate and plant a church at Adam Estate, Kasoa. The whole programme was structured to take place from September 27th to October 1st, 2023.
From September 27th to September 30th, 2023, house-to-house evangelism was done from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and public preaching was also held from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each night.
Adom Estate Congregation was officially inaugurated on Sunday, October 1, 2023. At the end of worship, five visitors were baptized, and eight members were restored.
Brother Kingsley Oti, an old student of Bear Valley, and Brother Emmanuel Aggrey, who is an instructor of Bear Valley, Ash-town, will be serving as preachers of the congregation, while students who reside in the same community will be helping with teachings and other duties assigned to them.
Follow-ups will be done since we have all the particulars of the prospects we engaged.
Lastly, the director will update Bear Valley on the progress of the congregation every quarter.
We express our gratitude for the guidance and support shown by Bear Valley Leadership and the Brotherhood in their generous financial assistance for the quarter. May we petition that God returns and replenishes whatever they may have suffered any loss in. Amen.