God’s favor continues to be seen with the passing of each month at BVBIZ.. September had her share of these. Space may not permit to detail all. This report is a summary of what transpired in September including evangelism (with 34 baptisms and 19 restorations, beginning of a new term, projects, exchange programs, resumption of a new term among some other developments. These and more are reported below.
All students came back from their field practicum on 24 September to begin a new term. The school began with training in entrepreneurship skills development, Advance Hermeneutics, Greek and Hebrew. The following is the full list of subjects and their teachers;
Hebrew K.Madira
Advanced Hermeneutics K.Madyira
Greek K.Madyira
Hebrews D.Estep
Phenomenology of Religion H.Suwari
Entrepreneurship Skills Development S.Chiunga
Biblical Counselling M.Muchingami
Marriage and Family Development I.Mutichu/M.Muchingami
Minor Prophets I.Mutichu
African Traditional Religion I.Mutichu
Introduction to Systematic Theology I.Mutichu
The following seminars and workshops are scheduled for this term
Tree Nursery Management and bee keeping Forestry Commission
Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation S.Chiunga
Communication: Report writing and Phone Journalism J.Kumunda
Theology of Disability M.Moyo
Administration (for staff only) M.Chitendeni
Strategic Management for Churches LT Zungunde
Drug Abuse L.T Zungunde
Preachers and leaders who wish to participate in the seminars above are highly welcome
For the second time, BVBI-Malawi and BVBIZ-Zimbabwe embarked on an exchange program where our full time instructor, Ishmael Mutichu visited the school in Ekwendeni, Malawi from the 16th to the 23rd of September. He went to teach the Synoptic Gospels for one whole week. Great appreciation to brothers Ephron Mbano and Clergyngton Harawa for hosting Ishmael during his stay. We also thank our Regional Director for making this possible. These programs have been important as ideas are exchanged in the process
The school’s drive to inculcate life survival skills to students continued with training on tree nursery management (including budding and grafting techniques) and bee keeping. Both students and staff attended the training from the 29th to the 30th of September through a partnership with the Forestry Commission. Aside from the training, the school is going to be assisted to set up a nursery for fruit trees. Students were taught how they can begin such projects as income generating projects for their families and communities.
Harvesting of tomatoes in the greenhouse began towards the end of the month. It is projected that more sales will be made in October. More sales were also realized through lettuce and butternuts.
The layers projects picked up in the month of September. The last week saw production of eggs averaging between 80-90%. The project has 250 hens. At 55%, the project is able to break even. Students are exposed to this project as well as part and parcel of their training in life survival skills.
The month of September saw the arrival of 10 mushroom start up kits sourced through the school’s projects manager. Harvesting will begin in October.
The goat head currently stand at 17. Here and there, some are slaughtered to provide meat to students. These goats have been essential as students are able to see and be taught on how they can survive through the project.
The field program ended on the 17th of September. BVBIZ wishes to thank all congregations that hosted the students. These congregations were able to provide food, accommodation and transport costs for the students. This was a great partnership indeed. The practicum for those on the parallel program is still ongoing. There were 19 restorations and 34 conversions The following are comprehensive results of the work that was done since the program began.
The school continue to appreciates many, far and wide, for the donations being made. Donations are welcome both in cash or kind. Such partnerships enable the training and preaching of the word to continue. One time donation are welcome as well. This month we would like to thank brother Hezelton and Kudzi Chirenda for their consistent support of $100, Katie and Nkosi Mpofu for their regular $500 and brother Manyati’s $100. May God bless these families.
We thank God for what He has been able to do for His work through the school in September. We look back and see God’s guidance. Furthermore, this would not have been possible without your financial, moral and spiritual support.To the partners and sponsors, may God continue to bless you. We always look to the future with hope that indeed, through these efforts, the gates of hades will not prevail against the church (Mt 16.18). To God be the glory!