September, 2023 Report
May the grace of our Master be with you as we send greetings to you brothers and sisters! We give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully expressed in Christ has granted us the opportunity to work for Him in His kingdom.
1. BVBI-Zambia (Evangelism)
Students have intensified evangelism as assigned by the School. They have been given targets of people to preach to during each week. They are currently taking “Personal Evangelism” as a course of this quarter with Brother Cephas Mwamba. And they are determined to translate what they are learning in class to put it into practice.
And as the result of this work we have recorded a number of souls being added to the sheepfold for the past one month. We have also recorded a good number of restorations
Three of our current students namely Tryvin, Levy and Richard spearheaded evangelism in Kitwe district working with other members of the Church in that area for one day. This work resulted in six souls being added to the church.
2. Vital Signs:
i. Number of Bible studies conducted during the month of September, 2023 – we have recorded hundred and twelve (112) households visited in the month of September. We conducted fifty-five (55) household Bible studies
ii. Number of Baptism during the month of September, 2023 – we have recorded thirty-three (33) baptisms, out of this nineteen were recorded in Kitwe district and twelve were recorded in Luanshya district, two were recorded in northern province in Mbala district.
iii. Number of Restorations during the month of September, 2023 – we have recorded twenty- three (23) Souls restored back to sheepfold. All on the Copperbelt province and in three districts were we have done our evangelism
3. Meeting all the youths on Copperbelt in the Lord’s church
Youths from Copperbelt Churches of Christ are meeting on 27th to 29th October, 2023 at Church of Christ in Kitwe district for helping youths to understand better their participation in the ministry of our master Jesus Christ. Brother Cephas Mwamba will be teaching on the Title the Timothy Generation today. This will include taking the example from Timothy and His service to God.
In readying for this program our students have been encouraging youths in the Churches of Christ on the Copperbelt, and the meetings so far have been very encouraging. During this meeting some of the students will be given time to speak.
4. Our alumni work
i. We have very exciting news of our former students who worked in a paramilitary area here on the Copperbelt province to revive back the congregation which ceased to exist in the area for more than twenty years. Two of our former students spearheaded in reviving members and repossessing a building structure which was hijacked by Pentecostal group known as “prophetic ministries”.
ii. Gershom Chansa and Vincent Simwanza both 2022 graduates worked tirelessly for the whole month of September in restoring and reviving this congregation. Missionaries like Rod Rutherford, eddy Crookshank and others established this congregation in the early 70s and bought the place in Kanfisa constituency of Kitwe District where they used to congregate with the locals. But when they left in the late 80s the locals just stopped meeting probably due to lack of Leadership, this gave the opportunity to this Pentecostal group to start using the Church building for over 20 years.
The good news is that this year in the month of September and by His power the building was repossessed without any difficulties. Vincent is also a gifted artist wrote on structure as seen in the picture below. A restoration of more than eleven members was done and baptizing of fifteen (15) new members. Gershom Chansa is now a preacher to help this congregation to grow and also to avoid mistakes. The church is now meeting as seen in the picture below.
Blessing of marriage:
Once again we had a blessing of Marriage in Kitwe which was done by brother Cephas Mwamba. The church invited us for this occasion which was at Church of Christ Kitwe Central. A young brother to brother Fred Kanangu by the name of Sekwila Kanangu and Hellenic Banda were blessed into holy matrimonial on 5th October. We remain a blessing to the Church as we continue to receive such invitations.
Indeed there are numerous things that can be done in our service to God to build and revive one another if we would just do it when we see it.
We as part of the Bear Valley Bible Institute International are very grateful for this partnership and our hearts are forever indebted to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for their monthly financial support and all the encouragement they offer in this noble mission.
God bless you all!
In His Service,
Cephas and Fred
Attached are some of the pictures taken during the month of September, 2023.