We send greetings to all of you
brothers and sisters in the Lord!
It is again that time of highlighting some activities that are happening in this part of the world and the school in particular. And as a school we are very delighted to report the following vital signs of upward mobility as far as the school is concerned.
I. New Intake
All is set for the 2023 academic school calendar. We look forward to the start of the new intake and to get to know the new students. The courses that will be taught for are as follow:
Normal courses: Old Testament 1 (Study of the Law: Gen. - Deut.)How We Got the Bible, Christian Evidences.
**Elective** (Writing skills, English, Cost of Discipleship)
Short Courses: God’s Plan of Salvation (Scheme of Redemption), Personal Evangelism 1 - How to Conduct Bible Studies (one on one)
2. School van and three library computers
We are so happy to report that we received the funds through Church of Christ in woodland Oaks to purchase the School van which we have done and we also received funds through our country coordinator Donnie Estep to purchase our Library computers, we have bought three of them and they are placed in our Library.
There is no doubt we have fervently prayed for these tools we now have and glory be to our God for you brothers for your donation. These without doubt will contribute to affect our work in a positive way. Brother Donnie Estep played a very huge role in this and we keep thanking God for him. As we always say that he is such a rare breed in the Kingdom of God.
3. BVBI-Zambia Alumni
We are also very happy to report that all our Alumni are actively involved in expanding the kingdom of our master. We are very glad to inform you that through the efforts of our alumni many souls have been saved to the glory of God.
The school administration where invited in southern province where Vincent Simwanza is currently working. And brother Cephas Mwamba Spoke to encourage the gathered people with the word it was indeed the moment of refresher to our spirit.
The following is a full list of some of our former students indicating where they are serving the Lord and what they are actually doing.
Clive Kabika (2017) - Clive has started work with a private school in Southern Province. He is working with the Church of Christ in Kalomo District. And the reports are over-warming we are working on visiting him and the congregations in the area
Andrew Mwila (2017) - Andrew at first struggled to establish himself after graduation and now is working as bricklayer and he is now preaching at Church of Christ in Chilanga of Lusaka District. He is married and has a daughter
Joseph Musonda (2017) has been working in Luapula province and the leadership in Mansa highly recommended him, Joseph is now on the Copperbelt in Baluba District working with the Church there. He is married with a daughter and His work for Christ is highly recommended by the Leadership in that area. Very soon we are visiting Baluba District for evangelism as a school.
Boniface Sianjina (2017)- working very hard to establish a Church in Kafubu block, in this area we have a open facility for correctional services in Luanshya district and Boniface has been working there together with the Church at Mikomfwa. He is now involved in raising broilers for Business. Borniface is married with three daughters.
Albert Phiri (2017) - the young man was partly trained as a soldier before he was trained at Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Zambia as you can see him on the picture in uniform. Albert struggled a little bit for years now after his graduation to settle, he is in the village of Mpongwe district on the Copperbelt province. He has two daughters and the wife deserted him. We as school administration are helping him to establish a congregation in the village where he is doing farming. Albert has potential to continue being a powerful preacher he is today
Vincent Simwanza (2020) - has been offered work at Livingstone School of Evangelism in southern province and he is training others. Vincent has betrothed Beverly and they are getting married in December of 2023 here at Bear Valley Bible institute in Zambia. He is actively involved in evangelism and has brought many to Christ today. Besides this work, he is also a good painter and a bricklayer.
Sthembiso Magawa (2020)-Sthembiso is at University of Zambia, Lusaka campus. He is in his second year and he is pursuing medicine. He is actively involved with the Church of Christ students’ fellowship at (UNZA). He fellowships with Church of Christ at Central in Luanshya whenever he is home. Sthembiso' determination to work for God is great.
Gershom Chansa (2022) - The leadership of Chingola says that they could not have gotten any preacher better than Gershom. Gershom is helping a congregation at Chiwempala church of Christ in Chingola. This congregation is very small in terms of numbers. They could not handsomely support a preacher. But one elder and somebody else in the congregation have singularly taken upon themselves to do whatever they can in a small way to support Lackson and Gershom. It is almost three months and encouraging numbers of baptisms and restorations are being recorded daily.
Matthews Mwale (2022) - Matthews went back to his home congregation in Luwingu district of Northern Province of Zambia. Just like Reuben, Matthews likes the work that he is involved in. and that work is the work of preaching. We as a school are constantly in contact with the Leadership to where Mathews is preaching. Above all they have both recommended prospective students who we are expecting now
Arclay Kabaya (2022) - upon graduation, Arclay went back to Siavonga district of Southern Province of Zambia. He is planning to start tomato farming to supplement his preaching. He has already gotten a place where he will be doing this project. He is very actively involved with the church in Siavonga.
Baptisms recorded: we have recorded eighteen (18) souls saved for the month of December and We give glory to God for our preachers we are training! We continue soliciting for your prayers and any support for them.
Restorations: we have also recorded eleven souls (11) restored in the same month of December 2022, this happened in three districts namely Luanshya, Chingola and Ndola the entire Copperbelt province has thirteen Districts, now with our Van available we will be able to move in all these districts for evangelism.
We believe that the school is on firm ground on its pledge to train faithful men who will be able to teach others also. And we give a special thank you to our amazingly supportive family and friends of Bear Valley Bible Institute-International and the Church of Christ is Woodland Oaks
You are always in our prayers! We wish you all God’s speed and Happy 2023.
Cephas and Fred