Dear brethren and congregations,
I am very grateful to the Lord for all your fervent prayers and aid that you've been providing for Ukraine. Many of you know that we fight for our freedom in all aspects. There's no secret that Russia wants to destroy everything about our culture, morals and religion. This winter will be the most terrifying for all parts of our country. We lack electricity, mobile and internet connection, water and heat. The pressure of the problems increases daily. For instance, in the beginning of November we would not have electricity for 5-6 hours a day, but these days we only have it for 4-5 hours. It does not give us enough time to charge our phones and place calls. The occupants keep destroying our civil infrastructure by missiles and deprive us of the basic human necessities. However, the church continues to congregate and help people. Our Bible Institute is in session. The Gospel is being preached without ceasing. It gives us joy and hope for the future.
The Bible Institute and our students.
In November and December our students had 1 and 2nd Corinthians (Instructor Dmitry Galyuk) and Denominational Doctrines (Instructor Dennis Sopelnik). Also in November we had Terry Harmon for a few days. He led the worship and encouraged many of our number. In the end of December going into the beginning of January our students will have a few weeks of winter break. The office place where we have classes has heat which is very irregular. By God's providence the office building is connected by the power lines to the military hospital and it almost always gives us electricity, water and heating. If the situation doesn't worsen next year we will be relocating back to the Bila Tserkva.
Bela Tserkva Church of Christ.
Every Sunday we keep helping our refugees with the grocery care bags. It's a big help for the local community. The government doesn't have enough funds to supply the needy with everything necessary and the huge load is shared by the humanitarian aid relief organizations as well as churches. During the last Sunday gathering about 20 people got food and heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So many are presented with the opportunity to become members of the Lord's family.
We are grateful for all your prayers and support. Nobody could imagine that the country in the middle of Europe would struggle with electrical supplies, Internet connection and heating during the coldest part of the year and beg God to let the next missile land elsewhere, not on your house.
May God keep each of you safe. Count every blessing and don't take for granted everything we have daily.
Your brother and coworker in the Lord's vineyard,
Dennis Sopelnik