We had some great successes in the month of November, 2022 at the Bear Valley Institute of Biblical Studies in Tamale. These successes were both within and outside of campus. We hereby wish to report them.
We had a visiting instructor from our sister school in Accra (Southern Institute of Biblical Studies) to teach the last course of the 2021/2022 batch of students in the person of Yaw Amoo Gyimah. He taught Church History and it was our joy to host him.
The local Church in Kpalsi South took a step further in appointing some brethren to serve in some committees to help the preacher in steering the affairs of the church. We had some committees like; The Evangelism Committee, Benevolence Committee, Administrative Committee and the Finance Committee. It is our desire to hold fast to the doctrines of Christ and to work collectively to grow the church. We are positive of the future of this congregation, and will do all we can to protect and defend the doctrines of Christ. It is our desire to create room for all persons, especially men who are faithful to serve the Lord in accordance with scriptures. Room is also made to continuously include students who are capable in these committees to also serve as a learning process for them. We were privileged to have the director of the school in the person of Brother Daniel Adjei Mensah to give us a wonderful sermon. We give God the glory.
In the month of November 2022, the school embarked on an evangelistic campaign to the Upper West Region, specifically, Kogri under the Lawra municipality. This was the last evangelistic exercise done by the 2021/2022 batch of students as part of their course requirements. It was a wonderful and successful journey. We were privileged to have Brother Thomas Donzie of the Jirapa congregation with us.
We embarked on this journey between the 7th and the 14th of November, 2022. All eight students, in addition with some past students, were part of this journey. The director of the school was also involved in this evangelistic journey.
We left Tamale on the 7th of November, around the hours of 8am in the morning. We arrived at Kogri around 11:46pm on the night of the 7th, almost into the following day.
We began our work on the 8th of November, 2022. We divided ourselves into groups and went out on our door-to-door evangelism. In the evening, public preaching was done to complement the door-to-door evangelism. The people were very receptive and welcoming. The community is dominated by idolatry, Islam and Roman Catholics.
The good news was that the chief of the community, who is a very elderly man, is a member of the church. It was his joy hosting us in his community to give strength to the church. He supported us with a goat, a fowl and an amount of Gh₵20.00 cash as a sign of his appreciation and joy of our presence there. He also made announcements to the community to create an awareness of our presence. This made the work a bit easier for us.
From the 7th to the 13th of November, we had the door-to-door evangelism during the day and public preaching in the evenings. The men who did the public preaching were; Thomas Donzie, Baaba Elija, Emmanuel Balefam, Daniel Adjei Mensah and James Bisong Legend. The event was very fruitful. On the 14th of November, which was the first day of the week, we worshiped with the church. Brother James Legend did the Sunday School Adults Bible Class, while Brother Abraham gave the sermon. We recorded an attendance of 97 people in total.
After the worship, we met with some of the men who were capable of leading in the church to encourage them as well as give them some guidance on how to help the congregation to stand. We also told them the need for those who have the desire to preach to attend the Bible School. Brother Samuel Saakuu Baaro, who is a past student of BVBI Tamale campus, is the one overseeing the running of the church along with Brother Alfred and Tuokyen who are all past students of BVBI.
At the end of the one week evangelistic campaign, 16 new souls were added to the church, and 8 souls were restored. We thank the Lord and the sponsors who made this journey possible.
Brother James Bisong Legend in the month of November embarked on a two days visitation journey to the Yendi Bimbila road in an effort to strengthen some congregations and to also recruit students. He took advantage to worship with the Duuni congregation on the 20th of November, where Brother Francis Waajah, a graduate of BVBI Tamale serves as a preacher. The church was very happy with his presence.
We have also started interviewing potential students for the next academic year as the 2021/2022 batch of students is done with their course. We are hoping to improve on many things as we move forward as an institution.
The Northern Women annual seminar that brings together women across the breadth and length of Northern Ghana this year took place in the premises of the Bear Valley Campus in Tamale. The Kpalsi South church building was used for the event. It brought together a number of women from different congregations across the North. It was a success as they lectured themselves on marriage and the home and other relevant topics. The event ended with a joint worship service that brought together all the congregations in Tamale Township.
God be glorified for all these successes.
Thank you sir,
Bear Valley, Tamale.