Dear brethren in Christ,
Greetings to you in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ our savior. I hope this email finds you well.
By the grace of God, I am doing well as I am currently visiting some congregations in southwest Tennessee. I have checked with my family and heard they are all doing good. They had some severe rainfall during the last two weeks. It damaged a lot of vegetable plants, but I am very glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I praise God for keeping all the students, staff, and faculty at Visakhapatnam safe. Thank you all so much for your prayers. I wanted to update everyone on our preaching school in Visakhapatnam.
Quarter End Exams: During this week, our students are scheduled to take their quarter-end tests. According to what I heard today, they are all performing very well in their exams. After these exams, they will break for a week. We are thankful to our faculty members for their dedicated efforts in doing their very best in providing efficient Biblical education. It is not only the experience they have that is making this possible but their commitment and dedication. We continue to strive for producing some excellent Bible students in this world.
Campaign Week: We are excited about our upcoming Campaign Week; it certainly gives a wonderful opportunity for our preaching students to get hands-on experience in the outreach ministry. We are preparing ourselves to help with the local congregation in the village Medapadu and also a nearby village. We are thankful to brother Jerry Bates who helps us in printing Gospel Tracts. These tracts in Telugu are titled 1. About the Bible 2. Salvation in Christ 3. The True Church 4. NT Worship 5. New & Old Covenant 6. What must I do to be saved 7. The things you should be mindful of and others. Of course, we not only distribute but also share with several preachers, that is why we try to print as many as possible every year.
Mission Travels: Last month, our preaching students & faculty along with some preachers from Visakhapatnam traveled to attend the Statewide preacher’s fellowship Meeting. From the school, we have provided the transportation for this trip and also the related expenses. It was exciting to see that our faculty were given an opportunity to lead the morning devotion. Attached are some pictures showing our students leading the singing. Preachers fellowship meeting is a program we conduct once every month in different regions to help the preachers who are products of Visakha Valley Bible College. The attached pictures also show the meeting held in one of the suburbs of Visakhapatnam. Brother Vijay Kumar has been preaching here for over 6 yrs.
Gratitude: We are very much thankful to God for His mercy, which is beyond my expression. Congregations like Lake Houston & Strickland Church of Christ are behind this wonderful program of training our men to carry out Gospel to our community. We are mindful of Jerry & Paula for their regular encouragement.
God bless you all,
In Christ,
John Dean M